What arena do you usually play on in PVP

I wish desert were part of the rotation. 6 crit tiles? :O
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  • Needs an option for "don't care".

    I wish they'd vary things up in general so that we could play in Latveria, Winter, Desert, etc.

    And I also wonder why the 5 target tournaments are a long distant memory of the past, excepting SHIELD.
  • Zathrus wrote:
    Needs an option for "don't care".

    I wish they'd vary things up in general so that we could play in Latveria, Winter, Desert, etc.

    And I also wonder why the 5 target tournaments are a long distant memory of the past, excepting SHIELD.

    Too many stored retaliations?
  • I avoid the forest because it's harder to color block the enemy.
  • They really should mix it up a bit. If only so that people don't become reliant on environmental strategy for matches. Though I will admit to being fully guilty of going forest sometimes with a boosted character simply for the quick 5 AP.
  • Huh, I've been playing this game since the release and just realized you can choose the environment. I feel like an idiot.
  • Where can you select that option?
  • Do you get a choice, I thought it was random
  • There are three buttons when choosing your fight. The left is the forest, the top is the danger room, and the right is the NY streets.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    There are three buttons when choosing your fight. The left is the forest, the top is the danger room, and the right is the NY streets.

    Been playing since the beginning and I didn't know this. Seriously...thanks. this is really helpful! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Shocked at how many people play forest. One bad cascade there can wipe your whole team, especially in LRs.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Shocked at how many people play forest. One bad cascade there can wipe your whole team, especially in LRs.

    Forest is the one I avoid, for exactly that reason; of the three listed I slightly prefer City because it's the most neutral.

    Before they nerfed criticals, playing in Forest or Tech was fastfastfast because with the right character (coughMagnetocough) you could generate crits fast and furious, letting you easily get lots of environmental before the AI.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    There are three buttons when choosing your fight. The left is the forest, the top is the danger room, and the right is the NY streets.

    Been playing since the beginning and I didn't know this. Seriously...thanks. this is really helpful! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I finally figured it out on my own a couple days ago. Someone should put this on the "I wish I knew about this my first day" thread.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Shocked at how many people play forest. One bad cascade there can wipe your whole team, especially in LRs.

    But matching forest tiles quickly is almost like using boosts. With the environment bonus from tournament buffed characters, one good five match (or two three matches) on forest tiles means 5 of every color from thorned rose. If you get unlucky and start on a red-scarce map it's a great way to get your Ragnarok going for the quick win.
  • I just play. Since the changed the crit tiles, I don't worry about the environmental tiles. It's very, very rare that I get screwed by the forest level.
  • The best way to see what arena you will play in is by looking at the back-picture on the 3 heroes that you is going to fight (When you choose your opponent, at the screen that you can chose to skip).
    There you can clearly see the trees from the forest OR the computers from the Danger room OR the buildings from NY OR the Latveria castle, etc! (And ofc the places remain the same for the nodes, so the top will always be the Danger room, left will always be Forest, and so on).
  • forest is best if there is no buff or a small buff, since you can ramp up AP faster

    danger room is best if there is a huge buff, because the crits will do a bazillion damage.
  • poomermon
    poomermon Posts: 300 Mover and Shaker
    I actually did not know you could select your arena. I almost always chose forest since it is the nearest button and you can press skip fight button faster. Actually it is pretty bad place to fight since some unfortunate crit from the enemy team can really **** you over. Especially with boosted characters. I think maybe NY might be safest since the heal does practically nothing and AI might waste turns getting special tiles.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Toxicadam wrote:
    I just play. Since the changed the crit tiles, I don't worry about the environmental tiles. It's very, very rare that I get screwed by the forest level.
    Same here. I pay far more attention to what team I'm fighting and how many points they're worth than which slot they're in. On top of that, I will often jump between spots, hitting "skip" while I build up a set of a few choices to fight, if I'm not sure whether I've found a good fit yet.
  • I use OBW, so forest is great for me even if the enemy gets Thorned Rose off. It makes the fight much faster since I get the AP no matter which one of us gets there first.