What is Yield?

edited January 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I have been reading about "tanking" and also this Yield function in pvp.

What exactly is tanking in this game, and what is the purpose of Yield?
I have read other posts like "get your team and attack a player, then lose, and yield, and call it a day and the rest is just tanking"
What do I actually gain from yield?


  • I´ll give you the simple answer. If anyone wants to be more thorough, they´re welcome to it.

    You have an invisible "rank", that comes from how well or badly you did in the past tournaments. The higher your rank, the tougher the people you´ll find to fight will be, and vice versa.

    So what people do is, they find a tournament they have no interest in, start fights, and retreat. And then, they yield (give up) that fight, thus ensuring their ranking keeps getting lower and lower. So, when they start a new tournament, one they care about, they´ll be matched with weaker teams.

    I don´t know the particulars, and how well it works, or how fast does the game compensate for it.