Logic Flaw for "Best Choice" Ability Useage

IceIX -

I'm addressing this to you since you seem to be the most active developer/moderator/etc... on the forum. (By the way... what exactly do you do for Demiurge? Cust. relations? Game Development?)

I greatly appreciate the effort made to "recommend" an ability to me, but the game logic that you use to predict the "most likely" ability to be used is flawed. I believe that it is so flawed that it should be removed from the next update until it can be corrected. To support my rather strong claim, I offer the following example:

I frequently use Iron Man Mk.35 and Captain America together. Iron Man's Repulsor Blast currently costs me 10 Red AP and Cap's Star-Spangled Avenger costs 11 Red AP. More often than not, I'll get 4 x Match-3 which takes me from 9 -> 12 Red AP, thus making both abilities ready.

The MAJOR flaw comes when I'm facing an enemy low on health. My Repulsor Blast deals 810 Damage and the S-S Avenger does 198 (plus countdown). There have been many times that I have been facing my last enemy - maybe with 500 health - and I hit the 11-12 Red AP amount. WHY DOES THE GAME RECOMMEND S-S AVENGER? HMM?

If I use Star-Spangled Avenger, it reduces their health to 302 and creates a coundown tile. But if I use my Repulsor Blast - BOOM - I win.

I have paid very close attention to this as I've played the game - maybe too much attention. It seems to me that the "most likely" ability is the one with the highest AP requirement. While this might seem logical at first (higher AP should = higher damage) the character leveling frequently precludes that logic.

As we're leveling abilities, some of them have the next ability level reducing the AP cost by 1. As we Iso-8 level the characters, they then have stronger attacks with lower AP requirements and the lower-leveled characters have weaker, higher AP requirements. This is opposite of the "recommend the highest AP cost ability" that you have recently employed.

This is just one of a few issues with the "most likely" system - and the easiest one to give and example of. If you want further examples, please PM me. I'd be happy to explain.

Thanks for the time.


  • I don't like it either. This game has a well designed ability system, it is wierd for them to try to "dumb" it down by adding "auto" mechanics.

    Also, as mentioned by other posts, it has negative effects other then the one you mention (i.e. no longer states regular damage attack number or AP amount).
  • The logic they use in determining the next best skill to use is terribly flawed.

    It is supposed to skip one step in skill selection, but instead, it introduces a ton of other steps (not to mention recommending the wrong choice of skill):

    1. You now have to swipe the top panel to see your AP
    2. Since the skill recommended is wrong, you now have to choose the correct skill, then ok to go
    3. Worst of all, you may accidentally tap on the wrong "Ok-ed" skill, and that skill fires off immediately

    It has to change. I have yet to see a single person give this UI the thumbs up, so I am curious how it was approved for implementation.