** Magneto (Marvel NOW!) ** [PRE 2015-03]



  • MikeHock wrote:
    I know most people say blue is his worst, but once.... just once, I'd like to destroy every tile on the board.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    you will need spidey and hood to really get this to work

    lvls and damage aside, the best build is 2/5/5 but you sort of want that extra one to max out damage
  • Does his blue and/or red abilities generate AP? I have a 3/3/3 build and got a blue cover now. I think I'll just put on the fourth blue till I get other covers.
  • red mag marvel now is fantastic. gain a lot of AP especially if it clear the middle board. blue sucks. even if u destoryed the board. still the damage is not so great compared to the risk.
    mag MN + spidey=board control, +obw is good. i try to team with hood , but it lacks damaging power. sure total control but the battle is so boring
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    KevinMark wrote:
    Does his blue and/or red abilities generate AP? I have a 3/3/3 build and got a blue cover now. I think I'll just put on the fourth blue till I get other covers.
    you're better off generating blue for other characters anyway (cStorm, lazyCap, Spidey, etc.), so you won't use MMN's own blue. Red generates AP; purple generates blue, obviously, and causes potential cascades. While blue can cause cascades as well, it's usually not worth the AP, since blue doesn't generate AP from tiles destroyed and it's expensive/random chance.
  • Good to know his red generates AP. I wonder why it is not stated in ability description. Maybe there isn't enough character space for it. This doesn't change anything for me though as I was aiming for 3/5/5 anyway.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    locked wrote:
    you're better off generating blue for other characters anyway (cStorm, lazyCap, Spidey, etc.), so you won't use MMN's own blue. Red generates AP; purple generates blue, obviously, and causes potential cascades. While blue can cause cascades as well, it's usually not worth the AP, since blue doesn't generate AP from tiles destroyed and it's expensive/random chance.

    I had mine at 4/5/4 for a while (and actually had five blue covers until the fifth purple showed up) and the only time I used Iron Hammer was when no one else could use the blue. Three or four turn countdown timers aren't a huge issue but they do need to be looked after, which often means giving up on potentially helpful matches.

    While it's incredibly cool watching the entire board disappear (and doing about 1300 damage on average) the payoff isn't worth the hassle.
  • HairyDave wrote:

    I had mine at 4/5/4 for a while (and actually had five blue covers until the fifth purple showed up) and the only time I used Iron Hammer was when no one else could use the blue. Three or four turn countdown timers aren't a huge issue but they do need to be looked after, which often means giving up on potentially helpful matches.

    While it's incredibly cool watching the entire board disappear (and doing about 1300 damage on average) the payoff isn't worth the hassle.

    If you consider that 5-cover red does 2k+ damage on a 1-turn countdown timer AND gives back AP that's DEFINITELY not worth the hassle!
  • I have some disposable ISO, and I can't figure out who to dump it into. I have Mags up to 56, but stopped leveling him in order to level Thor and Ares (both up to 85 now). I have CStorm, Ares, AWolvie, and Thor maxed. Should I dump my iso into Mags or just save it up?
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    You have better reds out there and Polarity Shift doesn't need levels to be useful, only covers. My MMN stays underleveled and is effing helpful. If his red is the only one you usually use in your comp, then yes, he needs maxing out.
  • I really do like bashing the whole board but I ended up respecing him since the maxed blue hardly goes off- A nice little buff to make his blue worth levelling would be to make it generate AP(If that makes him OP, maybe a small part of it), how does that sound?
  • I have a maxed 5/3/5 now due to his blue covers been given a lot lately. I like it. I use Patch (Thor)/MStorm/MN Mag in recent PvE and believe me or not, I can consistently fire his blue power off. The AI usually is not keen on matching his 4 turn countdown tile. One time I used it three times successfully in a game. It's probably because the opponents in this PvE doesn't have blue powers. It does over 2000 damage with the characters buffed. Polarity Shift is good enough at 3. I have more than enough blue AP often even when I don't focus on blue matches. Most of the times there isn't a blue match left to destroy to countdown tile but even if there is AI goes for other matches. I remember only once my cd tile was destroyed. It was because of a 4-match. I don't look at the board and use it whenever I feel like. It hasn't disappointed me.
  • I've been using my MNMags in this PVE event, and I find he's one of the better characters in this event, and he has great use in both fighting goons and fighting the regular characters. I have him at 3/5/5 and I find polarity shift is really good at either feeding Caps blue to stun/get rid of countdown/strike tiles, or making match-4 blues to destroy lines with countdown/strike tiles in them. Not to mention that if I have some of my own boosted Patch tiles out there when I do polarity shift he does an extreme amount of burst damage, which is usually followed by a giant cascade.
  • im so glad MPQ has decided to update that we can get 2* covers from winning againt people in versus

    Im beginning to update Mags. He is now currently 2/2/1. Not sure if i should go back to the heroic and use him still now that i have him updated more.
  • i use hulk magneto and classic storm , magneto is very useful because he can supply blue ap to storm...
  • (I'm a player with a 85 roster, thor, ares OBW MMN, cStorm, daken maxed)

    For me, MMN is underated. (mine is 3/5/5)
    OK, AI don't know how to play it, so you have to finish your session with another team to avoid being hitted hardly while away ...

    But for me, he's a great session extender. The association with OBW (3/5/5) is not really discussed in this thread, but I find it really useful.

    His purple ability have many advantages :
    - board clearing : i often have serious cascade after
    - damage dealing : it's easy to generate crit tiles. At least one, but generally it's 2 or 3. I've done around 1,5 k direct damage with it (10 blue linked to an existing crit : 10*50*3,2 = 1600) and more with various crit cascade.
    - AP generation : especially blue, but randomly with cascade. (and more with his red ability)

    Need damage ? make crit tiles
    Need heal ? make multiple 3 match (up to 5 so 15 blue AP, in general 3 or 4) and then let OBW work

    If MMn is level 75 you do both, OBW taking advantage on blue and then espionnage works for blue.

    For me, it's a must-have in a 2* roster, before cStorm.
    Thor/Ares + MMN + OBW : covers all colors and in general you easily finish with full health during long play session (unless the mega cascade of death icon_lol.gif )

  • Note that if you do want to combine OBW's Espionage with Magneto's blue too (when he's unbuffed) then Magneto's blue will always take priority when he hits 77, but OBW's will always take priority when he's 75 or below. This arguably strengthens the case for a 2-5-5 build (and only leveling him to 75 instead of 77) depending on how you intend to use him.

    I was running this, but it looks like the level-up they did broke my team. Now my lvl 84 Mag is tanking blue, ruining OBW's espionage. On top of the OBW nerf, this has ruined my best 2* team...
  • Is there any level where Magneto can Tank Blue for a maxed cstorm, but not for OBW (2-5-5)? How about OBW (3-5-5)?

    Currently have mine at 5-5-1. Never seem to get red covers, but have sold tons of blue and purple.
  • daibar wrote:
    Is there any level where Magneto can Tank Blue for a maxed cstorm, but not for OBW (2-5-5)? How about OBW (3-5-5)?

    Currently have mine at 5-5-1. Never seem to get red covers, but have sold tons of blue and purple.

    It's possible but mostly it depends on where you position your team. If blue is the same for OBW & CStorm place OBW either in lead (center position) or secondary position (left) with CStorm in third spot (right) Since blue is MNMagneto's primary color he'll have to be under levelled to avoid going past OBW to maintain her espionage advantage.
  • so, I know I should decide this by myself, but im really having a bad time making a choice.

    5/5/3 - the 5 blue def makes a lot of damage, and its good that it clears the entire board so you don't waste its potential on corner countdowns. But the problem is that it takes 4 turns to activate making it very vulnerable to be matched and just waste your aps

    3/5/5 - I really cant see much use on having a 5 red, since it only expands the 3x3 block to a 5x5 block, but at a cost of +3 red aps, that doesnt seem like a good idea.

    4/5/4 - Appears to be the best choice, only problem is that 5 blue is way better than 4 blue, since it clears the entire board and you dont risk wasting that many blue aps on a relatively wasted corner countdown

    5/4/4 - This could be a good way out of the afore mentioned issues, but do I REALLY want to give up on generating 5 blue aps and sticking to only 4?

    so yeah, I know I prob havent helped much, but I would appreciate your guys help on solving this dilemma. I currently have a 5/4/4 and a red and purple cover waiting to be recruited (first one expires in 3 days)

    Let me know what you guys think!
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