I Wish We Could Send Messages with Retaliation

edited December 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Messages like "You know every time you attack me you get like 15 points while I get 37 for retaliating" or "please stop attacking me for ten minutes so I can hit 1100". Just a thought


  • Or...


    (Not really)
  • lol, I'd probably quit the game within an hour of this change going in. Unless it's something like Hearthstone's messages, it could only be hugely annoying.
  • If it's not pre-created messages then they get to change the rating on the game in numerous countries and have issues with translation between languages.

    I'm perfectly fine with there being no in game communication, knowing how quickly it devolves to a cesspool in many games.
  • Just what we need, an outlet for childish trash talking...No Thanks, it would get out of hand instantly...
  • Good points all. Just though it would be a litle more fun but you are right. Transaltion issues especially make it an impossibility