Strangest thing

OminoBuffo Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
edited July 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Ok, probably it's a Deadpool's joke... but after last update (for Team Up), i seen a lot of "strangest" thing regards tiles.

In some battle, but not every time, enemies without have necessary tiles can use a skill.

(at the beginning i didn't notice it because, generally, don't take a look at enemy pool tiles).
But if after 1-2 turn of the game the enemy can use a powerfull skill... its a pretty strange. So after this thing, i look every enemy move... and enemy tile's pool.

and i see this:


In this screenshot Cap. A. with only 8 red tiles... can use a skill with required 11 red tiles...

And thats not the only "bug" that i have seen.

In the last battle (and thanks at this i decide to write this post) i seen enemy's Punisher use red skill 2 time in a rows... in 3 different turn... with only 9 red tile (8 + 1)

-after some turn enemy reach 8 red tiles (k.. thats normal), Punisher use red skill = 0 red tiles.
now can move a tile for finish his turn, move a tile and break 4 tiles (so destroy a column), at start of my turn enemy have 1 red tiles (from column).
-i finish my turn
-now enemy move a red tiles for destroy a normal pair (3 red tiles), but he dont go to 4 red tiles (1 old + 3 new).... he bump to 8 red tile!!!... so next turn can use again red skill...
and thats i see with all tiles and a lot of enemy's characters.

ps: sry for my bad english


  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    There have been many similar reports in the Bugs and Technical issues forum viewforum.php?f=9

    These occurrences are now being further complicated by Team Up abilities that can grant/steal/generate AP.

    If you are able to find more evidence, please post it in the appropriate forum. The developers do often respond to well documented cases and may request additional information.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Dude. Dude. Have you read Captain Marvel's yellow ability description? She CHARGES her team's red AP (sometimes black too) when you hit her! The AP info is not updated until the enemy is free to make their turn, so mind her passive and only hit her when you know you are going to oneshot her or when she's stunned or when enemy doesn't have strong reds (hers is not strong for sure).