Alliance glitch/ can't recruit or replace ..

Joker117 Posts: 124
We had 20 members and our commander and 8 others suddenly left with no one else left as commander we cannot recruit or fix our alliance ...

That means daily we are losing out on 90 iso.

Tournaments we lost out on 9 ppl who would = around 6000pts (we aim for 600 min but some have done more of course) ..

So that's gold , iso and cards/characters .

Are we just supposed to abound ship bc of a game glitch ?


  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    What were the conditions of their departure? If they all suddenly were gone with no communication, it is likely that they were flagged as dishonest players and were sandboxed (search the forums for an explanation). Sandboxed players are dropped from their alliance, much like you may have experienced. If this is the case, then it is likely that the Alliance you have joined was expanded with cheated resources, and CS will be unlikely to help you.

    Then again, your alliance may have fallen apart for other reasons. If that is the case, I'd shop around and find one that is a good fit for you. Alternately, start your own new one with the remaining members. Its your game, you should have fun playing it, don't stress over the little details.
  • Joker117
    Joker117 Posts: 124
    True but still I like keeping up and competing and I really don't want to bounce around from alliance to alliance I figure if they made any members in our alliance the commander we could at least start recruiting ...we cannot accept anyone anymore ..

    Conditions were 500pvp it became 600pvp and most did ove but no one said you had to (I do it) .
  • Unknown
    Open up a ticket to become a Commander with CS, been reading the forums and they help with that. That way you can maintain the 20 slots already payed for and just recruit. I would suggest two of you remaining become commanders so that it is easier to maintain the alliance. Also they might have not dropped, sometimes it shows that I am not part of an alliance but after a few hours the game will magically put me back in when my commanders say that I never disappeared.