Login to steam with current mobile account possible?

squirrel1120 Posts: 492
I installed steam/MPQ on my computer at home, hoping for a more full screen experience when I'm playing at home (most of the time). It was really nice to see the AP for both sides at a glance...

but I didn't see a way to register my current info into it so the mobile and steam platforms would be combined instead of separate. Is this possible? I seriously have no interest in starting over, just want to be able to play in both places at will.


  • SilverHawk
    SilverHawk Posts: 41
    At this time, there is no support to transfer Mobile saved game data to PC and vice versa. If there is a change with this in the future, we'll post it on the main thread. Thanks!
  • Unknown
    In the same vein, is it possible to access save game data across similar OS platforms (in this case Android,) such as tablet to tablet or tablet to phone?
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    In the same vein, is it possible to access save game data across similar OS platforms (in this case Android,) such as tablet to tablet or tablet to phone?

    synch to facebook.