Drool-worthry new character and powers... make it happen!

I've put a lot of thought into this.

I would love to see Bishop!!!! (as a 3* or 4* - given the potential powers I've listed)

Powers Suggestions:

Time Portal: Green - 15 AP
Bishop uses a time portal and has 50/50 odds of traveling into the past or future. If he travels into the past, he is stunned for 1 turn. If he travels into the future, he gains 1 extra turn.

Lv. 1 - Reduce AP cost by 1
Lv. 2 - Odds changed to 60/40 (future/past)
Lv. 3 - Reduce AP cost by 1
Lv. 4 - Extra turn & stun increased to 2 turns
Lv. 5 - Odds changed to 70/30 (future/past)

Redirect: Black - 10 AP
Bishop absorbs the engergy of the next enemy attack and creates a 5-turn countdown tile on the board. When detonated, tile deals damage equal to 80% of absorbed attack. ( Including special AP attacks )

Lv. 1 - Reduce AP cost by 1
Lv. 2 - Reduce countdown timer by 1
Lv. 3 - Damage increased to 100% of enemy attack
Lv. 4 - Reduce countdown timer by 1
Lv. 5 - (overcharge) Damage increased to 110% of enemy attack

XSE Plasma Blast : Yellow - 8 AP
Bishop uses his XSE pistol from the future to shoot a plasma blast at the enemy dealing XXX damage.

Lv. 1 - Damage increase by 10%
Lv. 2 - Reduce AP cost by 1
Lv. 3 - Plasma blast fragments and deals 20% damage to other enemies
Lv. 4 - Damage increase by 10%
Lv. 5 - Plasma blast stuns target for 1 turn

Hey.... I can dream, right? **In case anyone was wondering, "XSE" is the model of the pistols that Bishop brought with him from the future.


  • This sounds awesome and looks very well thought out. I'd second the request. icon_e_smile.gif
  • It's obvious you have put a lot of thought into Bishop's skills.

    I'm not sure how the time portal skill will turn out, given the high AP cost and the chance to self stun. Does it work like only Bishop can get stunned (but not allies), but when he travels into the future, it functions like stunning the entire enemy team for 2 turns?

    Redirect might be very easy to counter. Any time I see Redirect cast, I'll just hit him with a weak tile match. Unless you change the skill to ignore normal 3 tile matches, absorbing only 4 or more tile matches, critical matches, or special attacks. Then, he becomes immensely annoying icon_e_sad.gif
  • Bombul wrote:
    It's obvious you have put a lot of thought into Bishop's skills.

    I'm not sure how the time portal skill will turn out, given the high AP cost and the chance to self stun. Does it work like only Bishop can get stunned (but not allies), but when he travels into the future, it functions like stunning the entire enemy team for 2 turns?

    I'd say the high likelihood of a self stun (only Bishop) would be well counterbalanced by stunning the entire enemy team (when successful). Even at his highest power level, there's still a 30% chance of critical failure which is enough that it will happen often.
    Bombul wrote:
    Redirect might be very easy to counter. Any time I see Redirect cast, I'll just hit him with a weak tile match. Unless you change the skill to ignore normal 3 tile matches, absorbing only 4 or more tile matches, critical matches, or special attacks. Then, he becomes immensely annoying icon_e_sad.gif

    I'd say this should just absorb the next power attack, not normal board matches or criticals. This way it is more effective by 1) not being easy to sidestep (like your example) and 2) if playing against Bishop, you'd have to remember he used this ability and chances are occasionally you'd forget, go to use your killer power attack and BOOM! it blows up in your face. Some may argue with me, but to me, that's fun! icon_e_smile.gif
  • hogunner wrote:
    Bombul wrote:
    Redirect might be very easy to counter. Any time I see Redirect cast, I'll just hit him with a weak tile match. Unless you change the skill to ignore normal 3 tile matches, absorbing only 4 or more tile matches, critical matches, or special attacks. Then, he becomes immensely annoying icon_e_sad.gif

    I'd say this should just absorb the next power attack, not normal board matches or criticals. This way it is more effective by 1) not being easy to sidestep (like your example) and 2) if playing against Bishop, you'd have to remember he used this ability and chances are occasionally you'd forget, go to use your killer power attack and BOOM! it blows up in your face. Some may argue with me, but to me, that's fun! icon_e_smile.gif

    I was contemplating the "Only absorb next Power Attack" with that. My reason for not doing it was because it would require the player to pay more attention to the AP levels of the enemy rather than just 'sit and wait' for the next big attack. You know if they have enough to pull a big attack that it will happen before they try their match move, so you can plan to use it accordingly. My opinion is that it forcesthe player to be more strategic with their gameplay.

    Yes, I agree that it could be easy to easily defeat Redirect with a swap move, but how many times have you been hit by a H.A.M.M.E.R. countdown tile? You can't always gaurentee that you could match it. Again, that is why I set it to an original countdown of 5 turns with the power leveling incentive to bring it down to 3 turns. Can you imagine facing an enemy Bishop and unleashing a Ultra-Freon Beam for over 1000 damage only to have it blown back in your face after 3 turns when you can't match it out?

    That is almost as bad as the Flamethrower that those Lv. 75 Pyros are putting out in the new Unstable Iso-8 event.
  • Juggerlo wrote:
    I was contemplating the "Only absorb next Power Attack" with that. My reason for not doing it was because it would require the player to pay more attention to the AP levels of the enemy rather than just 'sit and wait' for the next big attack. You know if they have enough to pull a big attack that it will happen before they try their match move, so you can plan to use it accordingly. My opinion is that it forcesthe player to be more strategic with their gameplay.

    I see your point. Problem is, it adds tedium (or strategy, if you like) to the person using Bishop, and if the AI uses that Bishop on your behalf, it's going to be weak... unless your opponent isn't paying attention, and does not manage to remove that countdown. It takes a lot for that skill to pull through, which is essentially Redirect+Enemy uses big damage+Enemy does not remove your tile in time. Making it exclusive to special attacks cuts out the "big damage" variable.
  • I think it would work as a passive ability.

    When black AP is above 10, Bishop can absorb damage > 10% of his max health, creating a 5 turn countdown tile that returns 80% of the damage absorbed. 10 black AP are lost in the process.

    Leveling would increase the same.

    It would work well as a human or computer, and it would only work when it mattered.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    I think it would work as a passive ability.

    When black AP is above 10, Bishop can absorb damage > 10% of his max health, creating a 5 turn countdown tile that returns 80% of the damage absorbed. 10 black AP are lost in the process.

    I like it. Great idea!
  • Anyone know if there is an official mechanism for suggesting characters?

    Or is this something that might not be feasible? I realize that the game developers have their own storyline that they're trying to carry out.
  • Juggerlo wrote:
    Anyone know if there is an official mechanism for suggesting characters?

    Or is this something that might not be feasible? I realize that the game developers have their own storyline that they're trying to carry out.

    You can always use the ingame feedback email but other than that, I think these forums are as "official" as we have for this. You could also post to their FB wall but I think that would be less than effective (though that could be my FB bias talking lol).
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Juggerlo wrote:
    Anyone know if there is an official mechanism for suggesting characters?

    Or is this something that might not be feasible? I realize that the game developers have their own storyline that they're trying to carry out.

    Feedback forms in this case would be additional clutter although, naturally, it would get to its destination. We all read the forums though, so although we might not post in a given thread there are definitely eyes on it.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Juggerlo wrote:
    Anyone know if there is an official mechanism for suggesting characters?

    Or is this something that might not be feasible? I realize that the game developers have their own storyline that they're trying to carry out.

    Feedback forms in this case would be additional clutter although, naturally, it would get to its destination. We all read the forums though, so although we might not post in a given thread there are definitely eyes on it.

    Just out of curiosity, IceIX (and I'm not sure if you'd even be able to comment on this) but being that most, if not all of the covers that have been released so far tie into the overarching storyline, aren't all the covers for the forseable future already mapped out at this point? Is there any real chance for user demand to even influence additional covers (that aren't already planned)? If I was to guess, I'd say the next 3 to 6 months of covers have already been decided.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    hogunner wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Just out of curiosity, IceIX (and I'm not sure if you'd even be able to comment on this) but being that most, if not all of the covers that have been released so far tie into the overarching storyline, aren't all the covers for the forseable future already mapped out at this point? Is there any real chance for user demand to even influence additional covers (that aren't already planned)? If I was to guess, I'd say the next 3 to 6 months of covers have already been decided.

    We've got some characters mapped out storyline-wise and others that are question marks that we fill in as we move forward. That way we can stay agile if suddenly an opportunity comes up for whatever reason. While we do have the story mapped out for quite a while, not all the newly released characters have storyline impact so we can drop in those others pretty easily.
  • IceIX wrote:
    hogunner wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Just out of curiosity, IceIX (and I'm not sure if you'd even be able to comment on this) but being that most, if not all of the covers that have been released so far tie into the overarching storyline, aren't all the covers for the forseable future already mapped out at this point? Is there any real chance for user demand to even influence additional covers (that aren't already planned)? If I was to guess, I'd say the next 3 to 6 months of covers have already been decided.

    We've got some characters mapped out storyline-wise and others that are question marks that we fill in as we move forward. That way we can stay agile if suddenly an opportunity comes up for whatever reason. While we do have the story mapped out for quite a while, not all the newly released characters have storyline impact so we can drop in those others pretty easily.

    Ah good to know (and thanks for responding); sounds like the best of both worlds for fans of the story and of specific (perhaps non-story related) characters. icon_e_smile.gif
  • New Thor with the movie coming out ? Heck dunt need another powerhouse like that. But Loki is in that movie too ! Give him a nice new skill !
  • ArchJojo wrote:
    New Thor with the movie coming out ? Heck dunt need another powerhouse like that. But Loki is in that movie too ! Give him a nice new skill !

    That actually gave me an idea (with an admittedly low likelihood) but I'd love to see some non-super marvel heroes in the game, too like Nick Fury who could maybe effect the battlefield but not deal much direct damage. I haven't given it a ton of thought but I think there could be a way to make it work and fun (at some point).
  • IceIX wrote:
    We've got some characters mapped out storyline-wise and others that are question marks that we fill in as we move forward. That way we can stay agile if suddenly an opportunity comes up for whatever reason. While we do have the story mapped out for quite a while, not all the newly released characters have storyline impact so we can drop in those others pretty easily.
    So there will be more "normal" chapters after Dark Avengers? Can we expect more 2-star covers and tokens as rewards, as it will probably be only for higher levels?