MASSIVE Android Instabiltiy since "True Healing" data update

TheViceroy Posts: 82 Match Maker
Something happened with the non-patch data update that brought in "True healing" that has introduced MASSIVE instability with the game on my Android device.

I've got a Droid 4 device, on Android os 4.1.2 I've never experienced this type of crash. before then. It literally acts like a soft reset of the entire phone. Things will be going fine, and then without warning the screen goes black, the phone is completely unresponsive for at least 15 seconds, and the the phone boots back up with the password screen, as though the phone had just finished a hard reset.
This is similar to the port someone else reported here.

There are three main places where this happens:

1) Right at the start of a match
2) Right after I swipe to confirm a match that would end the fight
3) Seeming randomly within a fight
I actually had a 4th, where I was simply just looking at the sub map for the PVE event, and it crashed. Only had this happen once this way though.

In cases 1 & 3, it counts me as a loss, which of course means lost HP of my characters and any boosts I used.

In case 2, I still get the win. However, I am pretty sure that I do not get any post-match awards like ISO or PVE rewards. I know it's a win because my characters aren't extra damaged like they are when it's a loss.

I also got BIG TIME screwed by this on the second batch of the PVE main tab's series of fights with the Maggia nodes. It crashed as case #3, and when I loaded up the game again the other three nodes did not become available. Since they can't be replayed, I am permanently locked out of three Maggia nodes that are worth at least 500 points.

The other thing I've noticed is that randomly a Google + popup will try and load mid match some times, completely out of the blue. It completely overrides the game, and most times I can't switch back to the game's app to recover my game, and it usually results in starting my game, again, resulting in a loss. VERY ANNOYING. This also started when the "True Healing" change came in. I thought this was what was cuasing these crashes, so I tried to disabled the Google + ap, but that didn't help.

With these two issues the game is more or less unplayable for me right now. I have no idea if it will suddenly crash without warning and ruin a match I am doing well in. With the "True Healing change", I get doubly punished, because all of my characters lose health because it doesn't know the difference between retreat or crash, so it treat it as a retreat & a loss. I even have Advanced Task Killer, and constantly flush random apps that try and start themselves over and over for some reason to keep as much memory available as possible before I start it up MPQ. This still happens, even after recent flushes.

I very quickly run out of health packs and can't heal back my character cause of true healing. Crashes were super annoying before, but at least with healing I could resolve the false losses myself. Nww, there is no recourse for me at all. Hopefully R56 will fix this.


  • Unknown
    I'm getting hit with this as well.

    What's the best way to submit a trouble ticket?

    EDIT: I am using a Galaxy SIII with Android 4.2.x
  • TheViceroy
    TheViceroy Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Definitely still happening after R56.

    I am fairly certain that it involves whatever "True Healing" does. I just had it crash this way mid fight right as I tried OBW's Blue mid-battle.

    Before True Healing this NEVER happened to me.
    So not only does True Healing **** over gameplay in a fundamental way, it also causes massive instability!
    Two for one!
  • Unknown
    It almost seems that you can send tickets all day and it won't change anything I've done that a few times and it's always a generic answer. I'm not sure how they plan on fixing this
  • Unknown
    But on one of these forums I read that they are experiencing issues with their ticket processing.