Leveling from Level Update was Disproportionate

My level 102 BP and 141 Patch had the same yellow strength before the update. However, after the update, although my BP and Patch went up the same amount of levels, BP's yellow strength is now 64, while Patch's yellow strength is now 61.

This is a problem because I intentionally did not level my BP further from a strategic perspective. I want Patch to take hits for yellow matches.

Could you please either fix the bug, or permit me to lower the level of BP where his yellow strength is only 61.


  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    not a bug. They have specifically always stated that they want you to level all your characters as high as you can. BP's Yellow is stronger than Patch's at a %-increase-per-level, so adding levels is indeed disproportionate.

    The update was to "gentle nudge" you to level all your charcters. It seems to be "working as intended."