Has anybody transfered account from one device 2 another

I messaged iceIX about it, but I don't know how often he actually looks at the forum anymore.

I hate facebook, so I never linked to that. I also didn't put mpq on my SD card (something I will be more thoughtful to make sure my phone has an SD card...my old phone DID have an SD card, so I think I got so used to that, that I didn't even think of adding one to my new phone (even the same SD card *palm)). My phone died on me (bricked, and a small part on the motherboard turned out to be broken...which means TKO to my data from the phone) a few days ago and I kinda want to keep my account from this game. Anybody deal with customer service with doing something like this? Getting an account to be transfered from one device to another? Who should i be talking to other than ICE? (mind, I have never sent a ticket...so i don't even know how to...so if somebody wants to fill me in... that would be nice for me).

-side note: screw new phone's internal battery models. Just another way another tech company is nickle and dimeing people instead of making more money via real innovation imo.

If I cannot keep the account, then I guess that is gameover for this game with me. No way I'd consider restarting from 6 months ago. heck, only thing keeping me going was my past accomplishments in the game allowing me to enjoy what i was doing.


  • Unknown
    Send in a ticket, CS can help you. Just include those details in your email. Instructions copy+pasted from the thread "Bug/Ticket Creation Procedure" in the Bug and Technical Issues forum viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1274
    If you experience an issue playing the game:
    Send an email to mobilesupport@d3p.us with your issue. Please include your user name (check the leaderboards in any Versus Tournament if you're unsure of yours) and any other applicable information. For example, if the bug has to do with Facebook gifting, it's probably best to include the email account that you have linked with Facebook. The Feedback Form in-game is a secondary method of creating a ticket. At this time, I would not recommend using that for something important as we have identified an issue where tickets may get lost on send from that form. A direct email will be a more sure way of contacting us for now until a fix is put in place.

    Note that IceIX, Elecroblast, and the other Forum Admins are not Customer Support. While we talk with that team regularly, we do not have direct access to the toolset that Customer Support uses, so we can't directly help with tickets.