Transferring to new Hard Drive...


I am sorry if this has been asked and answered already (I searched but did not see). My hard drive is slowly going bad and I have ordered new ones (including an SSD boot drive - Yay!), and I will need to reinstall the game on the new drives. My concern is, of course, how to get my data to the new HD.

Is it as simple as turning on the Sync feature from steam (had to disable it in the past) or is the file local to my hard drive and I can copy it to a flash drive and then over to the new drive?

Thanks in advance for the responses. I love this game, but I have put in too many hours to start over! icon_e_smile.gif


  • Unknown

    It is that simple. If you have the sync on it will transfer everything for you. I installed a new hard drive this last weekend and it worked for me.

    Hope everything goes well!
  • Unknown

    Thank you for the reply! That would be great for it to be that easy. I certainly appreciate the information!