Steam Version Nuked My Save File!

So... I just started the game, got ready to play... and got a random crash. No biggie, this has been happening a lot lately. Okay, whatever. I start it up again, and get the intro. Huh. Weird. So I proceed... Level 1 characters vs. Dr. Doom. Huh.

...HUH. My save file is just gone. All my characters, all my progress, all my hero points and ISO, gone.

So right now I'm sort of panicking. I turned the game off and of course, the first thing steam does is sync it, so that it's gone on my laptop as well. I dumped over 200 hours into this game. I'm kind of at a loss here. I don't know what to do. Anyone know how to go about restoring this save file, or if there's anything I can do to fix this? I've contacted steam as well...


  • Unknown
    Yeah, this seems to be an issue with the Steam version. I personally experienced it during the Heroic Venom which made me miss on so much Lazy Cap covers. Make sure to use the template that's pops up when you click the Contact Support button in-game. They can easily fix it, just include your username and Player ID. Next time this happens, don't let Steam sync your save. Don't close MPQ, kill the process from the task manager (both MPQ and Steam) while the internet is disconnected to be safe.
  • Unknown
    Phew. Thank god. My username... I'm assuming that would default to my steam ID. Well, hopefully we'll figure it out. icon_e_smile.gif