Purely cosmetic idea: Character skins

Wolverine has probably a dozen recognizable outfits. Captain America has a few. Thor's had a few variants. Etc.

We're not going to get twelve Wolverines (at least, we had better not). What might be fun, though, is allowing us to buy/win "skins" for various characters - Patch could have a Weapon X skin, for example, or Thor could have a Frog Thor skin, or Captain America could have Nomad, Spider-Man could have his black outfit etc. None of thse would change the game mechanics of the characters at all - maybe new power names at most - but these aren't new covers, they're just things that operate on existing characters and can be turned on or off. You could win them in events, or buy them to unlock, or have them be a running progression award (unlocked when you hit x covers, for example).

Just something that would be fun. It would add a fun collector element but not affect gameplay, ideally.


  • At first I thought Meh, whatever, cool idea that I don't really care about.

    Then I remembered the abomination that is bag lady.

    If the skin was new art as opposed to the same art with a different costume I'd pay a little for it.