alliance commander afk

edited April 2014 in MPQ Alliances

I am part of this 20 member alliance - Mashmet Heroes. The alliance commander has been away for more than 10 days now. How can we have a couple of other people in the alliance made as commanders?


  • Is he the only commander? If so, then you are outta luck I'm afraid. Only commanders can promote /kick
  • Can the devs here do something about this?
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    If he is the only commander that means hi hp paid for all the roster slots. You are in his alliance so he can pretty much do as he pleases with it. I doubt the debs will do anything about it and honestly they shouldn't if you don't like it reform without him but it's going to cost you your own hp this time.