CD aiding abilities

There are a lot of abilities that interfere with CD tiles in some way, like moving them or destroying them outright or making them take longer, but very few abilities aid them. In fact the only one I can think of is Intimidation. I have no idea who should have CD aiding ability but here's one I drew up. One thing I noticed is that since very few ability aids CD but plenty of them harms CD abilities, that's probably why CD abilities are weaker than they should be (and they're not exactly very strong to begin with)

5 purple AP

Level 1: Locks target special tile for 1 turn.
Level 2: Locks target special tile for 2 turns.
Level 3: Locks target special tile for 3 turns.

Note: the first 3 levels are weak and intended to be balanced with Snarky Remark in mind. This ability can only target special tiles.

Level 4: Locks target special tile until destroyed.
Level 5: Friendly locked special tile continue to function while locked. Enemy special tile is destroyed when the lock is broken. Neutral special tiles (like web) still behaves normally because it's impossible to tell what the intended behavior you want on them is.

AI usage: Will only use if a friendly or enemy special tile exist. That is, it won't be locking up web tiles for no reason.

At level 5 it can be quite strong but since this takes the slot of an entire ability I think it balances out. This basically allows you to protect a CD tile at the cost of 5 purple AP, though of course you have to give up a level 5 ability elsewhere to get this far.


  • I can see it, yeah I like that.

    Continuing brainstorming.

    What about a trap-like ability called trigger

    You can place it on a friendly countdown timer and if the CD gets matched it's effect goes off immediately.

    Might be too strong as you can sometimes trigger it yourself but would make cooldowns more fun to play with