Damage Control Communication Line



  • I don't believe there is any way to pool our coin. It would be great if there was. There's also no way to make a new member pay for their slot. A lot of alliances will have new members pay for the next new members slot. The problem with that is it gets expensive, especially for someone just joining. The problem is deciding who will pay to open our 7th slot. It is currently 700 coin.
  • LuckyDog
    LuckyDog Posts: 70
    That's too bad. It would be a lot easier to grow alliances if you could. Plus, you would think the dev would make more money that way as well.

    As soon as I build up HP, I'll do my part.

    I played First Avenger PVP tonight and got up to 230 points and was in the top 20 when I stopped. I'm not buying a shield, so it may be half that the next time I'm on. I did see that we could easily earn 50HP as an alliance award for that event.
  • andrewqsmith
    andrewqsmith Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I am sure we are not the only ones who would like to pool our resources together. Especially now that we are guaranteed to receive 25 HP on certain days from now on. Nice to just drop those into another slot until we all work together to unlock it. Hopefully this is a suggestion that is being considered by development. Currently we are #507 in the event. The new member contributions are as follows:

    1st reignofchaos - 49189
    2nd lockness - 48775
    3rd luckydog - 45251
    darkfalcon3004 - 43683
    Krisocka - 41997
    Daliante - 31077
  • How did everyone do? I killed off most of my team in the last hour and still only made it into the top 100.
  • andrewqsmith
    andrewqsmith Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I did the same. I used all my top guys and all my health packs and with only a minute left it showed me at rank #50. But when the rewards were passed out I was top 100. So someone bumped me up to 51 or 52 in the last 60 seconds. Not much I can do about that. At least I got one cover for the human torch as I am sure it will be needed in the heroic mode of venom starting tomorrow.
  • With 10 minutes left I lost my last usable character. I was at rank 32. So someone bumped me way down. I thought top 100 was two human torch covers. But I only received one.
  • Alright, I realize this should have been decided a long time ago before we lost a member and I apologize to andrew who was pushing for this all along. We are now using the "new members pay for the next slot" model. The only thing we need to decide now is who is paying for the 700 slot so that we can get the ball rolling. As I we haven't heard anything from DocJ yet, and since this was decided after he joined, I feel it would be unfair for him to suddenly be expected to pay.
  • andrewqsmith
    andrewqsmith Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I am sorry to report but I too am leaving the alliance. It is not the alliance fault as spending HP towards a slot can be stressful if you do not accumulate much. More the game has changed to where only large alliances can win and those who win grow in the game and have a better chance at PVP. I am not sure I will like a larger alliance just yet (was offered the 20th slot of a top 100 alliance: Wrecking Crüe) as it may be more demanding than a casual player would want to contribute though I do play way too much. If it doesn't work out I will rejoin the alliance and then pay for the next slot.

    -Andrew (reignofchaos)
  • Falcon, maybe we should post in the sticky,the requirements we are looking for? I'm sure there is someone out there looking to join...