***** Cable (Nathan Summers) *****



  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2018
    RickOShay said:
    Thanos said:
    My Cable is 4/1/1 and I'm finding his blue is kinda disappointing to down right useless at times. I'm not as big on Cable as I was when I first saw his preview. I'd put hm at upper mid-tier, he's not going to unseat Thor unfortunately.
    That is unfortunate. Could you describe more about why his blue can be near useless at times? I was hoping that if you time it right, you will get an immediate enemy stun on that turn, then more potentially as you try to get other green matches (including the charged tiles). Also, if you need to match yellow, his CD should often get fortified. 

    And about Thor, I think it will be a long time before he is unseated by anyone, so that's probably not a fair hope (not that is what you were expecting, just needs to be stated for others reading this). 
    His blue becomes useless when the green tiles are sparse. I had several games when there was no point in even
    playing his blue. I don't see why it can't make new tiles instead of just converting existing ones. I know there are times when it could cause some craziness at times but so what, that's part of what makes the game fun. When TA Hulks blue cd goes off how often does it cause cascades? Not very often, besides Thor's god mode causes cascades all the time and costs nothing to setup.

    Also, I'm aware Thor will probably never be unseated unless they make a very deliberate and specific counter to him.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos said:
    Also, I'm aware Thor will probably never be unseated unless they make a very deliberate and specific counter to him. 
    No one sits on the throne forever.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Tony_Foot said:

    I wish pvp was one five star only, it would breathe so much life into both the five and four star tier.
    I’m sure this would cause a riot... but you are right definitely would freshen up PvP and make it more enjoyable 
    And there is the incentive to bring 4* events back more often. Let the 3* events be limited to one 5* and 4* events use two 5*.

    I do not understand the logic behind thinking newer players do not enjoy the 4* events as much because they do not have the featured character. They would still be matched against other rosters with the same range of levels. 

    Higher level rosters desperately want more 4* versus events. Amirite?
  • Brigadierbleu
    Brigadierbleu Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Any idea when he will enter latest legends pool?
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Any idea when he will enter latest legends pool?

    Remember, remember, the fifth of November.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Quebbster said:
    Any idea when he will enter latest legends pool?

    Remember, remember, the fifth of November.
    Awesome movie.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Xalthim said:
    MaxPowers said:
    Will he have a feeder and if so will it be Deadpool?

    Please say yes
    Needs to have Teen Jean feeder as he's her boy!
    I'm not a huge comic reader, but I don't think this is technically correct.  Isn't he the son of Madeline Prior who was a clone of Jean?  I would think Scott would be the more obvious feeder as he's for sure the dad (and the last name).  
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,055 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Looking at what D3 has done in the past, is Domino being named a feeder just too obvious a move?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blue seems like it could be fun when combined with tile-swapping powers (Coulson probably the best here) or green tile generators, so as to obtain green matches without giving up the turn.
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    Would love to know about a potential feeder, since I got Cable up to 12 covers yesterday. Lots of pulls left, but Loki is champed to enough levels now. 

    After leveling Cable and playing in Sim, he seems quite good and fun. Not game breaking as has been mentioned. He requires more setup than most may like. I do like it his blue to green strategy, but probably not so much on shield hops. 

    Pretty sure I'll default him to 3 yellow, but there's no issue with going 3 in green for a different user like Thor. With Okoye on the team, there's certainly a cutoff where she adds much more damage to Thor's vs. Cable, since she doesn't add damage to what the other enemies take. 
    He worked very well with Jessica Jones, mostly due to the little color conflict. Had surprising success when along with Thanos. Blue gets you green AP faster than usual with Thanos, and just be sure to have a yellow match ready when playing Come and Get Me. That will instantly fortify this CD making it almost certain to go off. Some decent strength strikes from Cable's yellow add nicely to that team damage.

    Not surprisingly he plays great so far with Gambit. Just focus on blue and yellow matches early on. If you get Gambit's repeater fortified it becomes AP generation you can rely on. Once Cable's blue is ready, play it when you have a green match on the board. With that stun and charged green tiles, Gambit fires red to gain 6 green AP on the first shot, which hopefully puts you half way or more toward Cable's big green. 

    He's not going to be that good on PvP defense, yet not too much worse than most.  

    EDIT:  I had more draws, so I champed him. Cable's blue-green mechanic is valuable to my roster since the only other 5* champ I have for this color 'combo' is Archangel. He's fun, and can be very efficient on the right board, but usually just a bit above average. 

  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Blue seems like it could be fun when combined with tile-swapping powers (Coulson probably the best here) or green tile generators, so as to obtain green matches without giving up the turn.
    Got some great matches and stuns from Cable's blue in action with TA Hulk's CD in the Domino PvP.
    Hulk doesn't do much here due to the color overlap, but his black does speed up your blue AP accumulation due to charging them as well as green. Coulson might be a fun 3rd to run with Cable in Sim (as you mentioned), along with a good red-black like Jessica Jones.

    One side point that I found interesting: If you have Cable's blue CD out, and a green match happens to take out an enemy, the stun takes affect on the next enemy in line. That's good.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23
    I'm kind of disappointed to have him at 4/0/0 so far, but I've been running him anyhow, because that blue can get out of hand really, really fast, especially when all the green is getting fed to boosted Gwenpool.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,219 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've come across a few champed Cables recently in PvP, and all of them are sporting 3/5/5. Wish I could change my vote to that; his Blue is near-rubbish, relying heavily on a Green-heavy board, and even then it gives your opponent first dibs on the Green Charged tiles and is effectively a 1-turn Stun, unless you make a Green match-5. Whereas 5 in Yellow gives you an extra 2535 damage, compared to 1648 at 3 Yellow (assuming both allies are still alive).
  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    With just a 3-turn CD you are missing out on a 2nd opportunity for a stun, which I get very often with the 5-turn CD at cover level 5.  Even at 4/5/4 a 2nd stun opportunity happens quite often, but at 3/5/5 I've almost never been able to do it. Sure I'd like the level 5 strike tiles, but getting another stun on half dead Thor is very handy, for example.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,219 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2021
    RickOShay said:
    With just a 3-turn CD you are missing out on a 2nd opportunity for a stun, which I get very often with the 5-turn CD at cover level 5.  Even at 4/5/4 a 2nd stun opportunity happens quite often, but at 3/5/5 I've almost never been able to do it. Sure I'd like the level 5 strike tiles, but getting another stun on half dead Thor is very handy, for example.
    Cable’s Blue is heavily dependent on the board in order to trigger that Stun. Compare that to other stuns like Archangel, Strange, DD etc: the instant you fire that power, you know the opponent is getting stunned, regardless of the board. Plus, halfThor removes Green tiles, thereby lowering your chances of activating Cable’s stun. I’d rather go with BSSM’s stun - which costs 6AP - than Cable’s, which costs 9AP AND a Green match. Cable is just a tad too unreliable for me (in terms of stunning).
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    RickOShay said:
    With just a 3-turn CD you are missing out on a 2nd opportunity for a stun, which I get very often with the 5-turn CD at cover level 5.  Even at 4/5/4 a 2nd stun opportunity happens quite often, but at 3/5/5 I've almost never been able to do it. Sure I'd like the level 5 strike tiles, but getting another stun on half dead Thor is very handy, for example.
    You'd definitely want to kill him before that stun wears off or he'll just nuke all your green Charged tiles and take all the AP for himself, though.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought Starlord would pair up nicely with Cable. 

    Sequence of powers:

    1. Cable's blue

    2. Starlord's yellow to convert 5 basic tiles in enemy's strongest colour to green charged tiles. If you time it right, you will stun whomever you want to be stunned, unless their strongest colour is green.

    3. Starlord's green. It doesn't destroy friendly created charged tiles, so all your green charged tiles will fall to the bottom or even cascades off each other. That could create another free stun and 5 charged green tiles.

    4. Cable's green to down non-stunned character, or maybe Starlord's green.

    Gambit can be used to round things off as a rainbow team. Use his red to destroy both green charged tiles for an extra 4 green aps if necessary.

  • RickOShay
    RickOShay Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    edited January 2019
    I thought Starlord would pair up nicely with Cable. 

    Sequence of powers:

    1. Cable's blue

    2. Starlord's yellow to convert 5 basic tiles in enemy's strongest colour to green charged tiles. If you time it right, you will stun whomever you want to be stunned, unless their strongest colour is green.

    3. Starlord's green. It doesn't destroy friendly created charged tiles, so all your green charged tiles will fall to the bottom or even cascades off each other. That could create another free stun and 5 charged green tiles.

    4. Cable's green to down non-stunned character, or maybe Starlord's green.

    Gambit can be used to round things off as a rainbow team. Use his red to destroy both green charged tiles for an extra 4 green aps if necessary.

    I've run that exact team in Sim last season and it is very fun. I agree that timing is very important on SL's yellow, but throughout the match I was able to often fire off 3 green powers, Cable, SL, Cable. Got 3 stuns often, but stunned someone who was already stunned too, ha. 
    If you time it right, Gambit's purple can get an enemy to very low health, so that Cable's green has maximum effect on the other 2 enemies. Gambit's red becomes quite effective when you have a way to charge tiles for him. He consumes the green charged tiles you'd prefer to match, but he can effectively gather the ones that aren't matchable anyway. You also get the added benefit of any yellow match fortifying your repeater or CD's, which can be very important.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,219 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 20 March 2025, 09:23

    Nathan has gotten a long-overdue buff! All numbers at lv450

    OLD BLUE - 9 AP
    Level 3: Create a 3-turn Countdown tile. Stun for 2 turns, create 4 Green Charged tiles
    Level 4: Create a 4-turn Countdown tile. Stun for 2 turns, create 4 Green Charged tiles
    Level 5: Create a 5-turn Countdown tile. Stun for 2 turns, create 5 Green Charged tiles

    NEW BLUE - 8 AP
    Level 3: Create a 7-turn Countdown tile. Stun for 2 turns, create 5 Green Charged tiles, deal 3204 damage
    Level 4: Create an 8-turn Countdown tile. Stun for 2 turns, create 6 Green Charged tiles, deal 5162 damage
    Level 5: Create a 9-turn Countdown tile. Stun for 2 turns, create 7 Green Charged tiles, deal 9256 damage

    OLD GREEN - 12 AP
    Level 3: Deal 14510 damage
    Level 4: Deal 16929 damage
    Level 5: Deal 21766 damage

    NEW GREEN - 9 AP
    Level 3: Deal 24398 damage
    Level 4: Deal 28498 damage
    Level 5: Deal 36496 damage

    Level 3: Create 2 + 1 strength 412 Strike tiles
    Level 4: Create 2 + 1 strength 475 Strike tiles
    Level 5: Create 3 + 1 strength 507 Strike tiles

    Level 3: Create 2 + 1 strength 685 Strike tiles
    Level 4: Create 3 + 1 strength 685 Strike tiles
    Level 5: Create 3 + 1 strength 872 Strike tiles