07/26/2024 - Cannot Log In Using Android

SeditiousCanary Posts: 77 Match Maker

When I try to launch the game, the app starts, but hangs at an Error stating "Unable to connect to game server. Please check your internet connection."

Occasionally, I can get into the game, but the "Unable to connect to game server. Please check your internet connection." returns, and makes the game unplayable.

I have rebooted.

Phone Info:
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra, with Android 13, and Kernel 4.19.113.-27095354, with no available system updates.

Magic the Gathering Puzzle Quest Info:
Client Version:
Data Version: (0)
Server Version: 6.7.0



  • iklinck
    iklinck Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    I've been having similar issues on iOS - sounds like it's a global issues.

  • _Valiant_
    _Valiant_ Posts: 49 Just Dropped In

    I have the same problem...

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    Two players in my coalition have also reported issues on Discord, and I am unable to log in. Galaxy Tab S8 + running Android 14.

  • KimJ721
    KimJ721 Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and the error persists.

  • e3vil
    e3vil Posts: 64 Match Maker

    Same to me.
    I played this game almost since the beginning, but I've been reducing my play time considerably lately. And this kind of issue doesn't help...

  • iklinck
    iklinck Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    I just managed to get in, at least enough to claim my daily reward, free booster, etc. I had to hit "Retry" a couple of times, but things might be coming back online...

  • HotCarl
    HotCarl Posts: 11 Just Dropped In

    Not just android though. IOS here. Tried to just click through the “errors” but when I got to my Home Screen my level was all messed up so I logged out. Coalition events have been so full of bugs and last minute changes lately. Your content is sweet. Execution…meh.

  • Hiportes
    Hiportes Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    Same issue here. Not able to click through with Retry, never get past the error.

  • Anarchangel
    Anarchangel Posts: 55 Match Maker

    Ditto. Android.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    @SeditiousCanary - for your own sake, please do not post your UID on these forums. I recommend that you remove it immediately.

  • Metylus
    Metylus Posts: 3 Just Dropped In

    Cannot log in.

  • joerginger
    joerginger Posts: 198 Tile Toppler

    same here

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor

    Same. It's been like this for the past 11 hours at the minimum. Not able to logon, so not able to claim daily rewards, free booster and finish the Following the Clues event. Not happy.

  • joerginger
    joerginger Posts: 198 Tile Toppler

    Right now it was finally possible to login, but just like last night and early this morning, there were lots of error messages to dipose of. Last night claiming the free booster took several failed attempts. Maybe it's not just login that is faulty right now.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    I got in (with loads of error messages) and played a few matches, but then it lost the connection again

  • Tolkne
    Tolkne Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    Hello. I have the same problem too. I'm even afraid to start a match during the event)
    And there all the time, and from time to time, an “error” sign appears, and so on. I hope they fix it...
    But for some reason it took so long...

  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor

    Having the same issues as everyone else. Difficult to get logged in and error messages when attempting to do anything.

  • ArielSira
    ArielSira Posts: 546 Critical Contributor

    I had the exact same issues since yesterday. During a match in Duets of mana I turned off my wifi on my phone and switched to data; that just gave me 15 minutes of no issues at all. Curious to see if this works for others as well.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    I got in 30 mins ago, but now it is impossible to connect. It is impossible to play any matches, because of the many SWW-errors. From past experience I know SWW-errors equals lost nodes and no prizes.

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    Took a chance and started a match. Went as expected. Connection lost during match and 200 retry later I ended the match and the app wouldn’t acknowledge my win. Sigh