Fateful Showdown bug (Insidious Will) [Investigating]

T0NYD0MIN0 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In

Tried this twice, same result. Once Insidious Will is triggered (by either the computer or myself), the game does not continue. Gems and cards in hand are still animated; the screen is still active. I can go to the battle log, journal, and/or quit manually but the game won't continue as it's supposed to.


  • Arcanu
    Arcanu Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

    This also happened to me twice already. Game freezes, still animated, in Torrential Gearhulk level.

  • raz
    raz Posts: 25 Just Dropped In

    The screen freeze has happened to me in these situations as well as in other events and story mode. It seems to happen most often when I cast multiple cards in a turn, or when I try cast a creature as a mutation. It doesn't always happen against Insidious Will, but it does happen when casting more than one spell in a turn or with mutations.

  • Evolutionkit
    Evolutionkit Posts: 6 Just Dropped In

    Yeah, happened 4 times in a row now with two different plainswalkers in the Torrential Gearhulk level. No clear trigger, anywhere between turn 10 and 14 the game just freezes and I have to quit the fight. Very frustrating.

  • KimJ721
    KimJ721 Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    Yup, happened to me too, more than once.

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor

    I tried the Torrential Gearhulk level twice as well. Both the games stopped after Insidous Will triggered. This needs a quick fix, as this card is also used by many players in legacy events, including myself. And while you're at it, please check Pact of Negation too. It functions the same way.