Bean counters

jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
Please ease up, you are ruining this game. The revenue gains you need aren’t just going to happen by price gouging.

Rewards structure needs a revisit by someone with a little more creativity.


  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    Would love to know what made this worthy of a flag. 
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I dont see anything worth flagging in this post....
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    I dont see anything worth flagging in this post....
    Neither do I . It’s one innocuous opinion . Lots of players are pikers with short arms and deep pockets , there’s nothing wrong with that style of play. There are plenty of whales to keep this game afloat so all levels of revenue can play . I’m sure someone at MPQ financial is balancing supply and demand just like any other business 
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    JHawkInc said:
    Nothing is explained. What's the problem? Why is it a problem? What direction should be taken to fix things? We don't even have enough of a prompt for the rest of us to discuss the issue (much less figure out what the issue is in the first place). We know it's related to the rewards structure, but that's it.

    Meanwhile, we have name calling in the title, claims that the game is being ruined, vague implications that they only care about revenue and that they're using nefarious methods to acquire it, capped off with an insult of their creativity.

    This is a thinly-veiled hate post that offers nothing of value.

    So....because I didn’t spell out the obvious vanilla pull back of rewards and endless generic money grabs in detail? 

    Okay, sorry, I thought it was obvious. By the way “bean counters” is not name calling. At best if you want to be easily triggered it is vaguely debatable. 
    I’m all for you having a different opinion, but there is no name calling in the OP. Whatever though, glad you love the way things have been progressing and are happy. However the flag button is not a “disagree” or “dislike” button. Perhaps folks could start paying mind to that.

    Edit: Let me be fair and address these allegations individually when I have more time. However, I’ve addressed those issues, as have others, many times.

    So, specifically to the bold portion of your post. Name calling? Sorry that’s too vague for such a common term, you will have to elaborate on that. 
    My implications that all they care about is money aren’t the least bit vague. I’ve outright stated it both here and in the past. Nothing wrong with that, given that they are a business. You think they care about you?

    Which methods of revenue driven tactics do you argue aren’t “nefarious” there are studies, published papers, etc...all outlining the toxicity of such methods.

    Now it is an insult to even imply that there may be someone more creative for the job? I call that constructive criticism. We deal with it in the real world all the time. Hurt feelings over it just get in the way of progress.

    My post is not “thinly veiled hate” it is a statement of dissatisfaction with the status quo as of late. Again, super glad you love it, congratulations on that, but that doesn’t mean that someone who disagrees with you offers nothing of value. Those points just don’t happen to jump out for you because you are looking at things through a different lens, your snap judgments about my intentions (which is quite presumptuous by the way) are completely lacking merit from my perspective. Now who is right? I imagine that depends on who you ask. Either way, there is certainly a discussion to be had about the way the game has developed and the way the resources have changed.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    jp1 said:
    JHawkInc said:
    Nothing is explained. What's the problem? Why is it a problem? What direction should be taken to fix things? We don't even have enough of a prompt for the rest of us to discuss the issue (much less figure out what the issue is in the first place). We know it's related to the rewards structure, but that's it.

    Meanwhile, we have name calling in the title, claims that the game is being ruined, vague implications that they only care about revenue and that they're using nefarious methods to acquire it, capped off with an insult of their creativity.

    This is a thinly-veiled hate post that offers nothing of value.

    So....because I didn’t spell out the obvious vanilla pull back of rewards and endless generic money grabs in detail? 

    Okay, sorry, I thought it was obvious. By the way “bean counters” is not name calling. At best if you want to be easily triggered it is vaguely debatable. 
    I’m all for you having a different opinion, but there is no name calling in the OP. Whatever though, glad you love the way things have been progressing and are happy. However the flag button is not a “disagree” or “dislike” button. Perhaps folks could start paying mind to that.

    Edit: Let me be fair and address these allegations individually when I have more time. However, I’ve addressed those issues, as have others, many times.

    So, specifically to the bold portion of your post. Name calling? Sorry that’s too vague for such a common term, you will have to elaborate on that. 
    My implications that all they care about is money aren’t the least bit vague. I’ve outright stated it both here and in the past. Nothing wrong with that, given that they are a business. You think they care about you?

    Which methods of revenue driven tactics do you argue aren’t “nefarious” there are studies, published papers, etc...all outlining the toxicity of such methods.

    Now it is an insult to even imply that there may be someone more creative for the job? I call that constructive criticism. We deal with it in the real world all the time. Hurt feelings over it just get in the way of progress.

    My post is not “thinly veiled hate” it is a statement of dissatisfaction with the status quo as of late. Again, super glad you love it, congratulations on that, but that doesn’t mean that someone who disagrees with you offers nothing of value. Those points just don’t happen to jump out for you because you are looking at things through a different lens, your snap judgments about my intentions (which is quite presumptuous by the way) are completely lacking merit from my perspective. Now who is right? I imagine that depends on who you ask. Either way, there is certainly a discussion to be had about the way the game has developed and the way the resources have changed.
    I've had mods remove a couple of my flags because they were obviously done out for petty reasons and nothing I said was inflammatory nor derogatory.  I'd suggest reaching out and they can remove it.  The mods are usually pretty nice people. :)
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    You can be right and wrong at the same time.  

    Bean counters is innocuous, sure, but you definitely weren't intending it as a term of endearment.   

    Probably would have gotten more traction if you had spent the time and energy from defending the post into the initial post, but that's just my 2 pennies.

    All in all, a low effort post you usually see from someone who just joined the forum, but not really flag worthy, in my opinion.  
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    All in all, a low effort post you usually see from someone who just joined the forum, but not really flag worthy, in my opinion.  
    The only forum guidelines this post violates is that it should be posted in the Suggestions & Feedback section.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    You can be right and wrong at the same time.  

    Bean counters is innocuous, sure, but you definitely weren't intending it as a term of endearment.   

    Probably would have gotten more traction if you had spent the time and energy from defending the post into the initial post, but that's just my 2 pennies.

    All in all, a low effort post you usually see from someone who just joined the forum, but not really flag worthy, in my opinion.  
    I have to agree. It rather resembles something I might post after (quite) a few drinks and a whole lot of LTs that haven't yielded any 5* covers... But certainly nothing worth flagging.
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Ok, so because the post is not complimentary it could be construed as an insult. Fair enough.

    As far as the thought put into it. I’ll agree there, more just venting a bit and figured some of these points were obvious. However, clearly they were not. Noted.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    He's also not using it as an insult. Context matters.

    And then there's the bit where we still don't know what the complaint is even about. Where's the price gouging? What rewards need to be changed, and how, to make this less of a problem?

    We can't even engage the topic in a constructive manner, because nothing of substance exists with which to engage. It's just a mean-spirited rant. That's the only context we have here.
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    JHawkInc said:
    He's also not using it as an insult. Context matters.

    And then there's the bit where we still don't know what the complaint is even about. Where's the price gouging? What rewards need to be changed, and how, to make this less of a problem?

    We can't even engage the topic in a constructive manner, because nothing of substance exists with which to engage. It's just a mean-spirited rant. That's the only context we have here.
    I’m sorry, but I can’t even take you seriously at this point. You aren’t aware of any of these things without me typing an essay to point them out? It’s impossible for you to engage in the topic other than to complain about the spirit of it and it’s lack of content? Come on...

    You simply don’t like the intent. Picking it apart is easier than trying to defend the rewards pull back, extended grind, break neck release pattern, stingy vaults/offers, etc... 

    I suppose you’ve never seen any posts addressing all of these details in any length enough to talk about them here without bullet points? 

    Honestly, I’m over it. If it’s more convenient to pretend that I’m simply picking on poor MPQ, that’s fine with me. They are a business not a charity, as a paying customer I have as good a reason to leave feedback as anyone else. 
    At this point it’s a clearly pointless endeavor though.The funny thing is, when a post is made suggesting well reasoned alternatives it is simply shouted down anyway.

    You seem to be always banging the same drum, does that make your posts pointless? 

    Edit: Mods feel free to do whatever you like with this thread. It wasn’t intended as an excuse to use the term “bean counters” as a pejorative. While I appreciate the folks who can see that and pointed it out, there is no real discussion happening here other than whether the OP has merit or is a “mean spirited” assault. 
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Dormammu said:
    All in all, a low effort post you usually see from someone who just joined the forum, but not really flag worthy, in my opinion.  
    The only forum guidelines this post violates is that it should be posted in the Suggestions & Feedback section.
    Maybe, if the feedback were a little more clear.  I wasn't saying the post or the content didn't have merit, just that the...quality was not there.  Personally, I don't even think this would be a good fit over there as well, this is more of something you would put on the app store review. I would hope it gets more attention over there.  
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor

    After further review it has been determined that the challenge is successful. No flag on the play. 
    Context matters here.  I could call someone a nunchuck, and it wouldn't really mean anything.  But if it is in an argument, no one would fault you if inferred that i meant that person was as smart as a block of wood.  
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    *Mod note: Moved to Suggestions and Feedback after having discussed the issue with the OP.  While we appreciate and encourage people to give constructive feedback, we understand that sometimes people just need to vent a little (of course within the bounds of the Forum Rules). With that said, if you wish to continue to discuss semantics we ask that you take it to PM. 

    Perhaps, the OP's final point on revisiting the rewards structure would have been a more fruitful area of discussion (but that's simply my Bugle Pittance on the matter).