**** Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) ****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
edited 2019 16 in Character Details
"Hailing from the Scottish highlands, Wolfsbane discovered her mutant ability to transform into a wolf at an early age. After a troubled upbringing, she was rescued and brought to the Xavier Institute where she learned to control her powers. As a founding member of the New Mutants and a member of both X-Force and X-Factor, Wolfsbane always looks out for her pack."

Note: As per usual, numbers may shift a little on final release.


4-Star Rarity (Legendary)
Affiliations: Heroes
blacktilepng  purpletilepng

(Abilities listed at level 70, followed by 270)
2964 Health / 10976 Health
yellowtilepng 9 |  37 | bluetilepng 8 | purpletilepng 33 | greentilepng 10 |blacktilepng 42 |  23 |  3.5x
yellowtilepng 12 |  74 | bluetilepng 11 | purpletilepng 65 | greentilepng 13 |blacktilepng 85 |  43 |  3.5x

Rend / Silent Retreat
 - 8 blacktilepng AP / blacktilepng PASSIVE
Wolfsbane leaps at the enemy to deliver a flurry of blows with her monstrous claws. Slashes the target 3 times, each slash dealing 120 damage. Wolfsbane then takes to the shadows, creating 1 Black Invisibility tile. This power becomes Silent Retreat. (Max 235 damage)
  • Level 2: Each slash deals 244 damage. (max 477 damage)
  • Level 3: Slashes 4 times, each dealing 276 damage. (max 540 damage)
  • Level 4: Each slash deals 461 damage. (max 903 damage)
  • Level 5: Slashes 5 times, each dealing 666 damage. (max 1304 damage)
  • Silent Retreat - Wolfsbane slips in the shadows to wait for her next victim. When there are no friendly Silent Retreat Invisibility tiles on the board, this power becomes Rend.

Go for the Throat - 6  AP
Wolfsbane crunches down on the enemy with her monstrous jaw. Deals 454 damage to the target and creates 2 strength 19 Blue Strike tiles. (max 884 damage / 2 strength 36 tiles)
  • Level 2: Deals 739 damage. (max 1440 damage / 2 strength 36 tiles)
  • Level 3: Deals 895 damage and creates 3 Blue Strike tiles. (max 1743 damage / 3 strength 36 tiles)
  • Level 4: Deals 1271 damage and creates strength 29 Blue Strike tiles. (max 2475 damage / 3 strength 54 tiles)
  • Level 5: Deals 1699 damage and creates 4 strength 29 Blue Strike tiles. (max 3309 damage / 4 strength 90 tiles)
One Woman Wolf Pack - 7 purpletilepng AP
Wolfsbane splits into a pack of wolves to confuse and surround the enemy. Creates 5 Green Countdown tiles that range from 1 to 5 turns and deal 380 damage each. (max 740 damage)
  • Level 2: Each Countdown tile deals 532 damage. (max 1036 damage)
  • Level 3: Each Countdown tile deals 684 damage. (max 1332 damage)
  • Level 4: Each Countdown tile deals 988 damage. (max 1924 damage)
  • Level 5: Each Countdown tile deals 1596 damage. (max 3108 damage)

Recruit Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair)

S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Heroes for Hire

  • Starts: November 7, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: November 14, 2019, 7:00am

  • Price: 7000 HP

  • Contents:

    • Nico Minoru (Runaways) Purple Cover

    • Deadpool (X-Force) Black Cover

    • 16x Elite tokens

    • 6 Command Points

    • 20,000 Iso-8

Wolfsbane & Friends

  • Starts: November 10, 2019, 8:00am

  • Ends: November 15, 2019, 2:00am

  • 80 Item Vault

    • Legendary token

    • 3x Beginner Support tokens

  • Random Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) cover

  • 2x random 4-Stars from the Call for Backup missions, with an option of the following characters:

    • Nico Minoru (Runaways)

    • Quake (Daisy Johnson)

    • Deadpool (X-Force)

  • 21x 3-Stars

    • 3x Featured

    • 18x Random

  • 52x 2-Stars

    • 10x Featured

    • 42x Random

Release Debut:

Strange Sights

  • Starts: November 7, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: November 11, 2019, 2:00am

  • Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) In placement rewards

S.H.I.E.L.D. Training

  • Starts: November 7, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: November 14, 2019, 7:00am

  • Rewards tokens to Strange Sights, random cover of Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair), and more

Featured Event:

The Hunt

  • Starts: November 10, 2019, 7:00am

  • Ends: November 15, 2019, 2:00am

  • Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) as a progression reward

  • Rewards tokens to the Wolfsbane & Friends vault

Versus Tournament:

Right as Rahne

  • Starts: November 10, 2019, 8:00am

  • Ends: November 13, 2019, 3:00pm

  • Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) as a progression reward

  • Rewards tokens to the Wolfsbane & Friends vault



  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Howard the duck 2.0!
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seems cool with cheap powers and invisibility. Seems like all 3 powers would be great at 5, so I imagine redistributing skills based on who you team her with. I'm assuming the "max" numbers are to prevent okoye and gritty abuse? 

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    tiomono said:
    I'm assuming the "max" numbers are to prevent okoye and gritty abuse?
    I think that's just level 70 vs. level 270 numbers.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker

  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
    jamesh said:
    tiomono said:
    I'm assuming the "max" numbers are to prevent okoye and gritty abuse?
    I think that's just level 70 vs. level 270 numbers.
    Correct. 270 isn't really technically "max" either given Champion levels, but close enough.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,763 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m going 5,5,3 as I am not a believer in the CD meta.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    5/5/3 with Gritty. 5/3/5 with Thorkoye.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 2019 05
    3/5/5 seems like the solution.  Black is the most expensive, can't be spammed, and can still provide invisibility at 3 covers.  The other 2 powers are decent and cheaper.

    She has a solid kit, but will be quite squishy at just 10k health.  And, as always with a new 4* release, what is the point with almost 100 competing characters in the tier.  All new 4*s are either relevant because of unavoidable passive effects (bishop, worthy), or superfluous.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,921 Chairperson of the Boards
    I assume her health is relatively low since she can go invisible (and cheaply)......
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Wow, that purple is some serious damage per AP. 15k for 7 in PvE. And the synergy; She makes 4 strikes at a time (Kitty says thanks), 5 CDs for CD trigger shenanigans (C4rol says hello, Coulson/5Eye say goodbye). And hell, invisibility. Very solid. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,507 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cool! I hope we eventually get a costume where she gets her "real" hair one day!

  • DarqFeonix
    DarqFeonix Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    I’m kinda hoping this means D3 has insight that New Mutants is going to be surprise-released in Disney+ on Day 1 :)
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,507 Chairperson of the Boards
    I heard that New Mutants movie was on thin ice, which is a mega bummer. it seemed like a fun take on it to make it a horror movie.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,802 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is another very strong, but non-meta, character who probably gets buried on veteran rosters. Excellent set of powers, though. Recent 4's have been amazing. 
  • MrEd95
    MrEd95 Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I guess my hopes to get Elsa Bloodstone in the game will have to continue to wait.

    looks good though
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,921 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 2019 05
    Borstock said:
    This is another very strong, but non-meta, character who probably gets buried on veteran rosters. Excellent set of powers, though. Recent 4's have been amazing. 
    They kind of have to be in order to have a chance of registering with players.

    She's 4* #87 so you need to think that you might want her more than the 86 people you already built, or are chasing to varying degrees.  Or at minimum think she would be fun to use.  Making slow, middle of the tier characters won't do the developers or game much good.

    I could bring up the dilution issue but why bother, there's no stopping the train.  We're below 1% already.


    EDIT:  She should 100% have an X-Man affiliation based on canon.  This version of the character with these powers only got them just before joining the X-men (she later quit) and it's all pretty recent in the comics.  But obviously giving someone who makes strikes for 6AP and can go invisible is a bit of a pain when run with Gritty, and making her an X-Man would just compound the unbalanced-ness of that situation.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,507 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 2019 05
    cheap multi-tap powers are definitely all the rage now it would seem.

    I like that she puts Invis on black - it's always cool when characters do things on non-traditional colors.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wonder how she is good without Thorokoye and Gritty.

    Her agressive black attack will be disabled after you fired it once unless you can remove her invisible tile asap.

    Her cheap red spams 4 strike tiles, which is good.

    Her cheap purple puts 5 Green CDs, with each going off one turn after another, up to 5 turns. So, it will take 5 turns to resolve the last cd.

    It's a 5/5/3 for me.

    4* Magik and Human Torch could be cool to team with with those fortifying and strikes spamming.