"Official" Petition to Remove/Change Color Locking

ntcplanters Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
Well, I am officially at that point, where I am getting the barrage of 4* duplicates, when pulling Legendary Tokens. 2*s weren't too bad, nor were 3*s, as there was a set rotation, and the tokens were plentiful enough (that seems like so long ago). Anyway, LTs are still few and far between, compared to the others. I get maybe 3 or 4 per week. Compare that to the number of current 4*s, and the plague that is color locking, and it makes it quite annoying. Here is my proposal (maybe someone has a better one too):

Ideal: Remove color locking all together. Do it for free, because you want us to have fun. Make it an option that is purchased by HP or real money. Create a VIP System, of which that is a part. Make it part of a new Clearance Level or Rank. I personally don't care which, but the, "Sorry about your luck, here is 1,000 ISO-8 in compensation," is a slap in the face for veteran players. I can cough up 1,000 ISO-8 in five minutes or less! Not to mention the mental anguish of watching that 4* that you cannot use countdown for 2 WEEKS, until you are forced to pull the trigger and sell it for that paltry amount.

Acceptable: It currently costs 120 CP for ONE 4* color, of your choice (as long as you have the hero). That amounts to 6 LTs (if you are pulling non-new ones)! Even for a veteran player, that is quite a bit of time to spend accumulating CPs, and potentially miss out on 5* pulls. An acceptable method would be to make that duplicate 4* worth 5, 10 or even 15 CP, to aid in the accumulation for the 120 (or something else). Anything to help the process of getting that ONE cover a bit easier.

I personally have six 4* with two colors max'ed and one open. If I can get that ONE color, then they can be max'ed and championed. But, the RNG is often against me, leaving the wasted pull on the vine. MPQ, please change the system. It would mean a lot to this MPQ veteran that seems to be more frustrated with this game here of late, as it seems to have forgotten the veteran players.

(BTW, those silver recruit tokens are a bit annoying too...)

Just my opinion. What do you all think?


  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    RnG feels like slots at the casino. The small chance that you'll get what you want is just enough for people to keep trying, and trying, and trying. Same with lottery tickets, or just about any other "legal" form of gambling. Regardless of how many people wise up and realize that the cost just isn't worth such a small chance, there will ALWAYS be people that are willing to dig deeper into their wallets. Those are the people that really make them their money, and from a business perspective it makes very little sense for them to cut off what is probably their largest source of revenue. 

    If you can find a way to circumvent RnG, then the likelihood of you spending money drops significantly, because you can always just hoard whatever amount of resources necessary. Why do you think they REALLY discourage hoarding? Lol. But of course, there isn't exactly a 100% professional way for them to say, "Sorry, doing that means we make less money, soooo....." You'll never get any company to admit that lol. Not that your proposals might not still net them any profit, but you gotta admit it would be drastically less. 
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    I don't get this arguement. Why even have colors at all? There is a reason the game is setup this way, and to do this would mean making a fundamental change. I dont necessarily agree.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't be opposed to something like this, but not as described in the OP.  I'd be OK with some punch card type system where every-time you sell an unusable cover for a character with less than 13 total you get 1 punch on the card.  At 5 or 10 or whatever number you get a reward, could be an LT, could be 20-25 CP, could be one of your bonus heroes, etc.

    I'd also be OK with this being a 5* only feature.  This problem has decreased a lot in 4* land with the advent of vaulting and Bonus Heroes so I can't see them being even more generous there, but something needs to be done for 5*s.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017

    I thought it felt more like a pearl assembly line... opening hundreds, if not thousands of oysters, in the hopes of finding that one pearl.  Then discovering that one pearl is not the color you need to build your necklace...

    The shining beacon is you can request a color swap from CSRs, but only for 5*, and only in the Latest Legends (or favorite - if that 5* is still in the Latest Legends tokens)... everything else is ground up to dust.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just cashed in 40cp and got 2 Riri blues in a row. What the hell is that all about? Both completely useless of course. 

    Even if they weren't willing to bring in colourless covers, perhaps a system where they offer you a choice of 4 random 4* covers and you can pick one as a replacement for any useless ones. I guess it would be far more unlikely that none of those 4 would be of use to you. 
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can minimize the effect somewhat if you're willing to sit on your resources for awhile.  Especially now with the vaulting mechanic, if you are in danger of pulling any covers that you can't use, wait until you've got a larger stash and save the Iso you make until you've got enough for a champ.  By that time you've likely generated 6-12 draws worth of resources, and there's a good chance that one or more of those will allow you to champ that character and use the surplus colors.

    It's unfortunate that you have to hoard in order to avoid getting burned by this mechanic.  Opening tokens is one of the more exciting parts of the game and choosing to abstain to avoid a #6+ takes away a lot of the thrill.  I'd think that with their stated objective to entice people not to hoard they might take this into consideration, but I imagine there would be some unintended monetary consequences if they got rid of it.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    the closest I can come to agreeing with this is to let a 4* cover sell for 5-7CP within the first hour its drawn...   Theres just precious little to the progression aspect of the game, to effectively remove the color portion of it, as simple as it is, removes a major chunk of complexity when it comes to roster planning.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    Post 6,980,419 about colorless covers or some variation on that same concept

    You can buy 3-5* covers with CPs already as long as you have already pulled at least one of that cover and rostered it. That IS this game's version of what you're describing. If you don't like it, hoard until you have the resources to champ several heroes at once before pulling.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    ***Off to Suggestions and Feedback***
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've gotten 9 purple Medusa covers In the past week. It's very annoying
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    I doubt they will ever change it in any meaningful way because the game relies on the finish line never being accessible to the f2p players since there is no real end game.

    However, if they ever did decide to change it then there are 2 mechanics I'd like to see them consider:
    • Allow us to Champion the character early. I would make this cost more ISO and/or HP with the cost being higher the fewer covers you had on the character. The only benefit it would give prior to having 13 covers is the ability to move your existing covers around, allowing you to respec and then use any 6th+ color you pull. It would have the added bonus of allowing us to experiment with a character's powers more even when under-covered.
    • A swap of some # of same character & colors on your vine for 1 of another color. Maybe 5:1 for 4* and 3:1 for 5*. Tack on an ISO and/or HP fee as well.
    The second option seems like it would promote token opening over hoarding, or at least opening more in bunches after hoarding, because if you got a few 4*s you can't use you'd want to try to get to the trade # before they expire.