Ridiculous levels of ****

welbot Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
Perhaps I'm wrong, but games are supposed to be FUN!
This seems to be the one element that is missing from this game in the past few weeks. Especially now after the Daily Challenges have arrived.
Sure it's exciting to have the new events, especially when you're rewarded with covers that are actually useful, but in the last week or 2, the difficulty (if you can really call it that) have just peaked at ridiculous levels of bull s@#t.
It doesn't seem to matter what event I am trying to play, but of late, winning a match comes down to sheer luck more so than being smart. In the last week alone, I've had my **** handed to me on a silver platter by stupidly low level characters in a matter of 3-4 turns because the computer opponents seem to be getting stupidly lucky drop combinations.
For instance, the fight I had just 5 mins ago. I was using 3x lvl 50 characters, against a level 39 Wolverine, and 2 lvl 40 ninjas.
I didn't even get Wolverine down to half health before he used adamantium slash on my characters 3 turns in a row. This is not just a rare occurrance either. The other day, I used 3x lvl 94 characters to fight against 1 lvl 50 hero and 2 grunt (dunno what to call them) opponents, and in just 5 turns, my whole team was dead. Like.. ****? This is happening more times a day than I care to think about lately, and it's making me want to stop playing, as I am no longer having fun. It used to be that occasionally, the enemy might get a good drop or two, and beat you down a bit, resulting in a close match, but (especially) in the last few weeks, I start a match, and within 2 turns, I can tell that I've got zero chance of winning. Why is it so? Has the difficulty been ramped up lately, or does my computer just hate me?
I totally understand that there's got to be some challenge in playing, but if I decide to use higher level characters in a fight, I expect that I'm going to win with relative ease. I don't go through all my fights using characters with levels twice that of my opponents very much, but sometimes I don't have a choice, as other characters are healing or waiting to be recovered, so I might decide to use high level chars to just get through the fight. Unfortunately, when I do, 9 times out of 10 these days, my whole team is dead in about 3-5 turns, which is just a joke.
Am I the only one having issues like this, or have other people noticed battles getting stupidly tough recently too?


  • Nah, I haven't noticed any recent change in the difficulty. However, I've definitely noticed that getting angry is counter productive. The more pissed off I get, the more likely I am to rush things and make more mistakes. You probably just need to slow down and make sure you're picking the best available move.
  • welbot
    welbot Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    I'm always careful when I play. I don't like sit there raging at the computer or anything. Just sit and play calmly and strategically. There's always been the odd occasion when I would get my butt whooped, but this is becoming more frequent for me now for some reason. At least before when it would happen, it would at least be by characters either way higher level than my team, or at a very close level to my team. I mean, the fact that the characters I'm getting floored by are so much lower levels than my team is my biggest gripe. During the last event, I had a lvl 134 (boosted) Magneto and Thor, and a level 88 Wolverine, fighting a team of 3 lvl 53 hero's, and my team was completely wiped out in 6 turns. Had I been facing 3x lvl 94 characters, I would have not thought twice about it, but they were lvl 53!!! Less than half the level of 2 of my characters... That's kinda stupid and not fun. It seems to have be a daily occurrence now, and that seems a little odd to me.
  • I have to absolutely agree, though I thought it could be my imagination. A bunch of my alliance peeps thought the same thing. For the last 2 weeks or so, an all 94 team or a 134/94/94 can get destroyed by an all 45 team or some other really low level group of enemies. The enemy gets gem cascades that are insane, like 30 or 40 gems in a single round. OR they fire off 6+ special powers in one round. The issue with survival wave nodes seems a little different. After the first 12 toons collects a crazy amount of AP that they cannot use (or that they simply do not use but otherwise could), in walks a hero/villain like Wolvie who now has 30+ red AP and it is game over.
  • I'm still kind of new (a little over 100 days) but I noticed the same thing yesterday. My three best characters getting beat by 60 lvl characters. And the Deadpool event is ridiculous. I see so many complaints by higher ranked guys about not needing the covers you can win but the enemy levels start higher than the highest level for 2* characters. How are those of us who need the covers supposed to win anything? According to these forums I'm one of the idiots who spent money to get roster slots and covers to try and compete, but all I get are OBW and one of each 3*. I have to keep getting rid of them to try and win someone else. The developers seem to want to reward only the really stacked players, but with stuff they don't even want. I realize I can't win everything but I want to at least feel competitive. Not something that can be done much lately.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    To the OP:

    There is no new change making anything more difficult. You hit a bad luck streak. We all get them every now and then. A couple of weeks ago I had one such streak in PvP, and lost 5-6 matches straight to teams 40-50 levels lower. Cascades, bad boards, and frustration created the perfect storm for this.
    I'm still kind of new (a little over 100 days) but I noticed the same thing yesterday. My three best characters getting beat by 60 lvl characters. And the Deadpool event is ridiculous. I see so many complaints by higher ranked guys about not needing the covers you can win but the enemy levels start higher than the highest level for 2* characters. How are those of us who need the covers supposed to win anything? According to these forums I'm one of the idiots who spent money to get roster slots and covers to try and compete, but all I get are OBW and one of each 3*. I have to keep getting rid of them to try and win someone else. The developers seem to want to reward only the really stacked players, but with stuff they don't even want. I realize I can't win everything but I want to at least feel competitive. Not something that can be done much lately.

    I hear your frustration, and I remember being there not too long ago (see post from December http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19954). You are still new. You are not supposed to be able to beat the whole DDQ event yet. The event is meant for each level of the transition. If you have mostly 1* characters, you should be able to beat the 1* node, maybe the second node, but that's about it. You should NOT be able to beat all the events. Once you transition to having 5-6 solid 2* (OBW, Ares, Thor, Daken, MNMags, CStorm, maybe a couple of others), then you should be able to START competing for DDQ covers. Those 3* covers are to help people IN the transition, which clearly, you are not. My TRANSITION team is 5 good 3*s (Patch, Blade, Deadpool, Hood, LCap), all at level 140-153. Only 2 3*s are fully covered, and the rest awaiting a bit of love. This is what a transition team looks like, and one that should easily beat the DDQ daily (and does).

    My best tip, and really the only way I got to where I am in the last ~90 days was to play the PvP seasons, obtain the gold tokens, and get the 10-pack at 4k. This, combined with regular PvE play to get some more covers, is what got me here. You are lucky in that you are going to be way ahead of where I am by the time you hit the 200 day mark, where I currently stand. This is because you will have access to the DDQ event, and covers that I could only dream of getting when I began the transition. Be patient. Stick with it. It is doable.
  • Starshatter
    Starshatter Posts: 63 Match Maker
    I have noticed a change for sure. But not with in game difficulty. I have noticed a big change in matches in pvp events. When I have 0-450 points I get easy matches worth <25 points and as soon as I get competitive for top 100 I get matches of maxed out 3 star characters worth >25 points which I'm unable to beat. Spend hundreds of ISO skipping matching looking for something to win and inevitably just waste time and ISO. And finish out of the top 100.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I have noticed a change for sure. But not with in game difficulty. I have noticed a big change in matches in pvp events. When I have 0-450 points I get easy matches worth <25 points and as soon as I get competitive for top 100 I get matches of maxed out 3 star characters worth >25 points which I'm unable to beat. Spend hundreds of ISO skipping matching looking for something to win and inevitably just waste time and ISO. And finish out of the top 100.

    See my post above. It just means you aren't quite there yet, that's all.
  • welbot
    welbot Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    I know why I'm having trouble with some of these matches now. In the past few days, there have been a few matches where Wolverine fights with 2 ninjas. Turns out whether the computer matches red or not, they get 4 red EVERY TURN! So if the computer gets access to red matches at any stage you're toast, cos every second turn, Wolverine gets enough to use adamantium slash, which does 2000 damage... something not quite right about that
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    welbot wrote:
    I know why I'm having trouble with some of these matches now. In the past few days, there have been a few matches where Wolverine fights with 2 ninjas. Turns out whether the computer matches red or not, they get 4 red EVERY TURN! So if the computer gets access to red matches at any stage you're toast, cos every second turn, Wolverine gets enough to use adamantium slash, which does 2000 damage... something not quite right about that
    That's how the game works. Those minions don't have moves, they just get their colours automatically every round. It's like that from the very beginning in the prologue matches, you just hadn't noticed.
  • Note that the AI getting extra AP thing happens even when goons aren't in the match. Had it happen to me earlier today. But that's been around for a long time.
    Same thing with the AI getting more super-combos (I just had a match again Lazy Thor and Patch where they got 9 Green & Yellow in one turn... Yeah, funny how those are the colors that dropped in...). Though I think that one's been around on the other Puzzle Quests too. It's unfortunately the nature of these games to require artificial difficulty increases because of how simple the basic mechanic is. Both a blessing and a curse I suppose.
  • welbot
    welbot Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    Square wrote:
    welbot wrote:
    I know why I'm having trouble with some of these matches now. In the past few days, there have been a few matches where Wolverine fights with 2 ninjas. Turns out whether the computer matches red or not, they get 4 red EVERY TURN! So if the computer gets access to red matches at any stage you're toast, cos every second turn, Wolverine gets enough to use adamantium slash, which does 2000 damage... something not quite right about that
    That's how the game works. Those minions don't have moves, they just get their colours automatically every round. It's like that from the very beginning in the prologue matches, you just hadn't noticed.

    I had noticed in the past as I am aware it's the only way for them to get gems, I just thought when there was an actual hero in the mix, they would get reduced counts, or none until the hero was dead (considering they can make matches of their own) and I guess I've never had one that got abused quite so badly as in that battle.

    It's not just that battle though. Even today's Deadpool Daily. Final wave battle is IMPOSSIBLE for me.
    I used 3 lvl 94 chars with 100% boost on all 3 colour sets, and was doing ok until the final wave, when Black Panther pops up and FIRST THING HE DOES, is that slash, which takes over 2000 health from every member of my team. Not only that, but due to getting all the yellow gems for free cos there are minions in the battle, he had enough to do it 3 times to me before even matching a single gem... that's just wrong on so many levels. icon_neutral.gif
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    welbot wrote:
    I had noticed in the past as I am aware it's the only way for them to get gems, I just thought when there was an actual hero in the mix, they would get reduced counts, or none until the hero was dead (considering they can make matches of their own) and I guess I've never had one that got abused quite so badly as in that battle.

    It's not just that battle though. Even today's Deadpool Daily. Final wave battle is IMPOSSIBLE for me.
    I used 3 lvl 94 chars with 100% boost on all 3 colour sets, and was doing ok until the final wave, when Black Panther pops up and FIRST THING HE DOES, is that slash, which takes over 2000 health from every member of my team. Not only that, but due to getting all the yellow gems for free cos there are minions in the battle, he had enough to do it 3 times to me before even matching a single gem... that's just wrong on so many levels. icon_neutral.gif
    There are a bunch of complaints on the forum about minions giving too much AP to active foes, especially in the Meet Rocket and Groot Hood stages... and the Meet Rocket and Groot Mystique stages.... they piss people off for sure.

    The best thing to do, as some on this forum has already said, is to not make a move when you think you are going to start the next wave. Kill with a special move, and have the AP to make another move or two. Those fourth waves are a nuisance for me, so I can only imagine how it would be if I didn't have Patch and Laken to suck up the damage.

    Ultimately, you are smarter than the computer, work it as best you can.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wish they would add a banner that would pop up every turn to let us know how much AP the goons are generating!

    Seriously D3, get on it!!!
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I wish they would add a banner that would pop up every turn to let us know how much AP the goons are generating!

    Seriously D3, get on it!!!

    Please tell me (and others) you are being sarcastic. We can't have D3 jump on this again...
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    san-mpq wrote:
    udonomefoo wrote:
    I wish they would add a banner that would pop up every turn to let us know how much AP the goons are generating!

    Seriously D3, get on it!!!

    Please tell me (and others) you are being sarcastic. We can't have D3 jump on this again...
