*** Star-Lord (Peter Quill) ***

Cthulhu ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 410 Site Admin

Star-Lord (Peter Quill) :starlord:

3 Star Rarity (Rare)

At Max Level: HP: 9265 79/12/70/13/61/11/4.0x

Something Good 10 :yellow: AP

Star-Lord swoops in with a last minute rescue, looking surprisingly heroic in the process.  Convert 4 basic tiles of the enemy’s strongest color to Green Charged tiles.  If one of Star-Lord’s teammates has less than 40% health, give the team a burst of 162 healing.

  • Level 2: If one of Star-Lord’s teammates has less than 40% health, give the team a burst of 223 healing.
  • Level 3: If one of Star-Lord's teammates has less than 40% health, give the team a burst of 285 healing.
  • Level 4: Convert 5 Basic tiles of the enemy's strongest color to Green.  If one of Star-Lord's teammates has less than 40% health, give the team a burst of 285 healing.
  • Level 5: If one of Star-Lord’s teammates has less than 50% health, give the team a burst of 542 healing.
  • Max Level:
  • Level 3: Convert 4 basic tiles of the enemy's strongest color to green.  If one of Star-Lord's teammates has less than 50% health, give the team a busrt of 886 healing.
  • Level 4: Convert 5 basic tiles of the enemy's strongest color to Green.  If one of Star'Lord's teammates has less than 50% healing, give the team a burst of 886 healing.
  • Level 5: If one of Star-Lord's teammates has less than 50% health, give the team a  burst of 1686 healing.

Something Bad 8 :purple: AP

While everyone’s distracted by the chaos, Star-Lord quietly pockets some loot.  What?  It’s not like they’re going to miss it.  Steals up to 2 random enemy Strike, Attack or Protect tiles.  If there are none, steals 4 random enemy AP instead.

  • Level 2: If there are no enemy Special tiles, steals 5 random enemy AP instead.
  • Level 3: If there are no enemy Special tiles, steals 6 random enemy AP instead.
  • Level 4:  Steals up to 3 random enemy Strike, Attack or Protect tiles.  If there are no enemy Special tiles, steals 7 random enemy AP instead.
  • Level 5: Steals up to 3 random enemy Strike, Attack or Protect tiles.  If there are none, steals 8 random AP instead.
  • Max Level:
  • Level 3: Steals up to 3 random enemy Strike, Attack or Protect tiles.  If there are none, steals 7 random enemy AP instead.
  • Level 4: Steals up to 3 random enemy Strike, Attack or Protect tiles.  If there are none, steals 7 random enemy AP instead.
  • Level 5: Steals up to 4 random enemy Strike, Attack or Protect tiles.  If there are none, steals 8 random enemy AP instead.

Bit of Both 12 :green: AP  

Star-Lord cranks up the volume in The Milano, unleashing its blasters on the battlefield.  Destroy a random column of tiles, leaving any friendly tiles, and deal 279 damage to the enemy team (Destroyed tiles do not generate AP or deal damage).

  • Level 2: Destroys tiles in 2 random columns.
  • Level 3: Deals 335 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 4: Destroys tiles in 3 random columns and deal 385 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 5: Deals 1999 damage to the enemy team.
  • Max Level:
  • Level 3: Destroy 2 random columns of tiles and deal 1043 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 4:  Destroy 3 random columns of tiles and deal 1199 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 5:  Deal 2033 damage to the enemy team.


  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    @cthulu - I believe Max - Level 3 for the Purple power should steal 6 not 7 enemy AP
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Cthulhu said:

    Bit of Both 12 :green: AP  
    • Level 5: Deals 1999 damage to the enemy team.
    • Max Level:
    • Level 5:  Deal 2033 damage to the enemy team.
    @Cthulhu ... Well, that just can't be right.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Based on past releases, does Peter Quill enter tokens next season or the one after that?
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZootSax said:
    Based on past releases, does Peter Quill enter tokens next season or the one after that?

    The one after that. New characters don't enter tokens until they have had their release PvP, and Quill's PvP is the first of the next season.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    So far, he seems like a very easy 5/5/3 right?
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    His powers are all a little to expensive for him to be good take 2 off of each one and he would be reasonable. That is his issue in a nut shell.   Right now he is a decent green battery with some board shake, 5/3/5 from the looks of it 5/5/3 if fighting a tile spammer.  I will reserve judgement until I get a little further along with him but power cost is his issue.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    4/4/5.  Yellow is his best power.  But 4-->5 doesnt really affect its use as a battery.

    (And 3/5/5 for 5* SL since his yellow converts the maximum 5 tiles at 3 covers)
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2017
    Well it's early, but he works quite well with 3* Rocket & Groot - who tanks yellow for keeping 3SL safer. Charging the greens for getting R&G's big punch up to 20 AP is great. SL's purple is excellent that they added the condition as to whether there are enemy specials on the board or stealing AP. 
    Just bring a red-black user to round out the active colors, and guess what, you have Drax or Gamora to fill that roll. With green easier to build up, I found Gamora to be excellent to use her green if stun is needed more than R&G's punch. Plus she tanks all of her colors making her strikes very nasty. 
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Well, Bit of Both seems pretty reasonable to me. Destroying 24 tiles (or slightly fewer) is massive, and more than we've seen from a single ability before outside of 2* Magneto. All told I'd say it's certainly better than Godlike Power, Blammo! We Got Ya!, Thunderous Clap, Power of Attorney, Armed and Dangerous, and Skull Cracker, and it's less conditional than Animal Inside despite being somewhat more expensive. I won't even mention Pistol.

    It's probably at the same level as Bird Strike; although that's not a glowing review it certainly demonstrates that it's not a garbage power. It also plays very nicely with Bad Reputation, although probably less so with Hailstorm.

    Something Bad seems like a pretty nice combination of Control Shift and Bewilder, and it's much better than both. Seems like the worst case here is if the opposing team has only a single small protect tile out or something. Otherwise just steal what you can and blow up what you can't with Bit of Both.

    Something Good... I'm torn about. It seems to be comparable in effect to KK's purple; it will probably result in fewer matches, although those matches will be worth more AP in general. It does cost 2 more, though, which puts in the cost range of such tile converters as GSBW Purple, Mystique Blue, and Thor Yellow. GSBW's is probably better, although it needs to be since Sniper Rifle costs a whopping 19, and Thunder Strike also does serviceable damage.
    And Star-Lord gets... burst healing. To the whole team even, (Suck it, Ragnarok). But only if someone besides Star-Lord is below 50% health. At rank 5 it's actually a pretty reasonable amount, 18% of his health at 166, (12% of Thanos' and 28% of Loki's). Still wouldn't be worth a whole power but might be worth a few extra AP on top of a decent Green generator. At rank 3 or 4, though, it's pretty insignificant. At least it does something else, unlike the more expensive Web Bandages or Medical Marvel.

    So in summary it looks to me like he'll be pretty middle-of-the-road as 3*s go; slightly exceptional for the number of tiles he can destroy, which probably puts him around, what... Human Torch/Storm level? That's not terrible. Not as game-changing as the previous three 3*s but he's hardly the new Ragnarok.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like the ship animation. 
  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    His purple steals AP from one random color, which really sucks :( 
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Use him with Big Pun. His yellow feeds Pun's incredible AOE. His is better than Peter's.
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    himatako said:
    His purple steals AP from one random color, which really sucks :( 
    Yeah, this is a big miss. If it stole 8 random AP across the different colors, that'd be nice. As it stands, it steals 8 AP from one color so if they have less than 8 AP in that color (which is fairly often against the AI since they fire their powers as they come) it doesn't live up to its potential. 

    His yellow is also pretty mediocre if the opponent's strongest color is green. This is a problem Mordo has with his blue when the enemy's strongest color is black. Really takes the teeth out of those powers. 
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've noticed that Bit of Both also spares Charged tiles, which is inconsistent with the description since Charged tiles aren't friendly (as no one owns them). Anyone notice if it leaves Web tiles? Or locked tiles?

    I think that's fine as an intended effect, since destroying a charged tile to deal no damage and generate no AP is sort of a waste.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think we've been spoiled by Strange, Thanos and Hawkguy lol.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    As others have said, he's no Strange or Thanos, but he's generally decent and allows for a rainbow-coverage 3* Guardian team right when a movie is coming out, so all-in-all I think he's solid.

    Additionally, the 5* SL mini-event has shown how good his purple and green can be against symbiotes, so that's not a bad thing either...
  • Jesus Jones
    Jesus Jones Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Use him with Big Pun. His yellow feeds Pun's incredible AOE. His is better than Peter's.

    Pun is good but whenever someone is dishing out free green I tend to gravitate to Kamala Khan.  I am trying them out with 3Cap and 3 Cap Marvel to see who works best.
  • areacode212
    areacode212 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    They need to either clarify the wording of his purple power or (preferably) change it so that it steals AP from multiple random  colors.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    Yes the stealing from 1 pool is silly.  I have been messing with him some and I like his green even though the destruction of the columns make cascades a little less common.  The fact that it keeps you special tiles makes up for that flaw so green is fine.  His yellow is solid but a little to expensive to be really useful (2 less would make more sense for what it does) and the purple is a just not well though out.  The stealing of the tiles is fine but the ap drain does not work so if you are fighting characters that do not generate tiles this power is almost a bust.  It is as random as She-Hulk's green (but the cost and availability of green batteries makes that good) so you can waste 8 ap and get 1-2 back it is too expensive at 8 to be a denial power like She-Hulk is.  Steal up to 2 from each color at max level or 3 from red, black, green something like that would make it more usable and less situational or reduce its cost to 6 or 7 and leave as is.  

    I think he is being a little underestimated, I think he is a middle of the road support toon, but the cost of his powers is problematic for what they are doing.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have been messing with him some and I like his green even though the destruction of the columns make cascades a little less common.
    Not sure what you mean here; destroying 3 columns is (as far as I know) no less likely to create cascades than destroying 24 random tiles, and it's certainly more likely to create cascades due to tile destruction than any other 3* power short of Thunderous Clap or Blammo! with 30 green AP saved up, or a very unlikely Polarizing Force (Ok, and rank 5 Pistol).